Spiritual warrior

A Spiritual warrior.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Spiritual warrior11511000100 100 100 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 110
Spiritual warrior11511000100 100 100 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 110
Spiritual warrior12329801 1 120 1 141 0 0 0 0 0 5 30RangeNo 150
Spiritual warrior12329801 1 120 1 141 0 0 0 0 0 5 33RangeNo 150
Spiritual warrior12511100110 106 110 1 1 9 6 0 0 0 5 30MeleeNo 130
Spiritual warrior12511100110 106 110 1 1 9 6 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 130
Spiritual warrior13411310116 120 100 1 1 29 13 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 160
Spiritual warrior13411310116 120 100 1 1 29 13 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 160


In the God Wars Dungeon.
OSRS maps.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
2362Adamant bar
 Adamant bar
4 - 1210Spiritual warrior
1295Steel longsword
 Steel longsword
110Spiritual warrior
1428Mithril mace
 Mithril mace
111Spiritual warrior
1257Mithril spear (p)
 Mithril spear (p)
111Spiritual warrior
1281Steel sword
 Steel sword
111Spiritual warrior
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
112Spiritual warrior
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
112Spiritual warrior
1105Steel chainbody
 Steel chainbody
112Spiritual warrior
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
114Spiritual warrior
1217Black dagger
 Black dagger
114Spiritual warrior
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
114Spiritual warrior
1341Black warhammer
 Black warhammer
114Spiritual warrior
1323Iron scimitar
 Iron scimitar
114Spiritual warrior
1279Iron sword
 Iron sword
114Spiritual warrior
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
114Spiritual warrior
1428Mithril mace
 Mithril mace
114Spiritual warrior
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
114Spiritual warrior
1105Steel chainbody
 Steel chainbody
114Spiritual warrior
1295Steel longsword
 Steel longsword
114Spiritual warrior
1281Steel sword
 Steel sword
114Spiritual warrior
1371Adamant battleaxe
 Adamant battleaxe
115Spiritual warrior
1217Black dagger
 Black dagger
115Spiritual warrior
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
118Spiritual warrior
1462Nature talisman
 Nature talisman
118Spiritual warrior
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
119Spiritual warrior
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
119Spiritual warrior
1428Mithril mace
 Mithril mace
119Spiritual warrior
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
119Spiritual warrior
1295Steel longsword
 Steel longsword
119Spiritual warrior
1281Steel sword
 Steel sword
119Spiritual warrior
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
119Spiritual warrior
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
120Spiritual warrior
1257Mithril spear (p)
 Mithril spear (p)
120Spiritual warrior
1105Steel chainbody
 Steel chainbody
120Spiritual warrior
1295Steel longsword
 Steel longsword
120Spiritual warrior
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
120Spiritual warrior
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
121Spiritual warrior
1257Mithril spear (p)
 Mithril spear (p)
121Spiritual warrior
1295Steel longsword
 Steel longsword
121Spiritual warrior
1428Mithril mace
 Mithril mace
122Spiritual warrior
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
123Spiritual warrior
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
123Spiritual warrior
1257Mithril spear (p)
 Mithril spear (p)
123Spiritual warrior
1105Steel chainbody
 Steel chainbody
123Spiritual warrior
1281Steel sword
 Steel sword
123Spiritual warrior
1081Iron plateskirt
 Iron plateskirt
124Spiritual warrior
1428Mithril mace
 Mithril mace
124Spiritual warrior
1281Steel sword
 Steel sword
124Spiritual warrior
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
124Spiritual warrior
1217Black dagger
 Black dagger
125Spiritual warrior
1341Black warhammer
 Black warhammer
125Spiritual warrior
1279Iron sword
 Iron sword
125Spiritual warrior
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
125Spiritual warrior
1371Adamant battleaxe
 Adamant battleaxe
126Spiritual warrior
1279Iron sword
 Iron sword
126Spiritual warrior
1355Mithril hatchet
 Mithril hatchet
126Spiritual warrior
830Rune javelin
 Rune javelin
526Spiritual warrior
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
126Spiritual warrior
1341Black warhammer
 Black warhammer
127Spiritual warrior
1323Iron scimitar
 Iron scimitar
127Spiritual warrior
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
127Spiritual warrior
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
127Spiritual warrior
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
128Spiritual warrior
1279Iron sword
 Iron sword
128Spiritual warrior
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
128Spiritual warrior
1371Adamant battleaxe
 Adamant battleaxe
129Spiritual warrior
1323Iron scimitar
 Iron scimitar
129Spiritual warrior
1355Mithril hatchet
 Mithril hatchet
129Spiritual warrior
830Rune javelin
 Rune javelin
529Spiritual warrior
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
129Spiritual warrior
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
129Spiritual warrior
1217Black dagger
 Black dagger
130Spiritual warrior
830Rune javelin
 Rune javelin
530Spiritual warrior
1371Adamant battleaxe
 Adamant battleaxe
131Spiritual warrior
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
131Spiritual warrior
1341Black warhammer
 Black warhammer
131Spiritual warrior
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
131Spiritual warrior
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
132Spiritual warrior
1081Iron plateskirt
 Iron plateskirt
132Spiritual warrior
1462Nature talisman
 Nature talisman
134Spiritual warrior
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
134Spiritual warrior
1317Adamant 2h sword
 Adamant 2h sword
138Spiritual warrior
1317Adamant 2h sword
 Adamant 2h sword
140Spiritual warrior
1371Adamant battleaxe
 Adamant battleaxe
140Spiritual warrior
1081Iron plateskirt
 Iron plateskirt
140Spiritual warrior
1355Mithril hatchet
 Mithril hatchet
140Spiritual warrior
1257Mithril spear (p)
 Mithril spear (p)
140Spiritual warrior
1462Nature talisman
 Nature talisman
140Spiritual warrior
1201Rune kiteshield
 Rune kiteshield
147Spiritual warrior
3202Rune halberd
 Rune halberd
149Spiritual warrior
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
149Spiritual warrior
1247Rune spear
 Rune spear
151Spiritual warrior
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
156Spiritual warrior
1317Adamant 2h sword
 Adamant 2h sword
163Spiritual warrior
1462Nature talisman
 Nature talisman
163Spiritual warrior
1247Rune spear
 Rune spear
163Spiritual warrior
1201Rune kiteshield
 Rune kiteshield
167Spiritual warrior
3202Rune halberd
 Rune halberd
168Spiritual warrior
1247Rune spear
 Rune spear
170Spiritual warrior
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
172Spiritual warrior
3202Rune halberd
 Rune halberd
172Spiritual warrior
111942Ecumenical key
 Ecumenical key
177Spiritual warrior
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
1140Spiritual warrior
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
1164Spiritual warrior
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1164Spiritual warrior
1317Adamant 2h sword
 Adamant 2h sword
1176Spiritual warrior
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
1176Spiritual warrior
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
1176Spiritual warrior
3202Rune halberd
 Rune halberd
1176Spiritual warrior
1201Rune kiteshield
 Rune kiteshield
1176Spiritual warrior
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
1176Spiritual warrior
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
1176Spiritual warrior
1249Dragon spear
 Dragon spear
1196Spiritual warrior
1249Dragon spear
 Dragon spear
1220Spiritual warrior
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1220Spiritual warrior
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
1256Spiritual warrior
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
1256Spiritual warrior
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
1260Spiritual warrior
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
1293Spiritual warrior
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1299Spiritual warrior
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
1455Spiritual warrior
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
1586Spiritual warrior
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1607Spiritual warrior
1249Dragon spear
 Dragon spear
1897Spiritual warrior
1249Dragon spear
 Dragon spear
1911Spiritual warrior
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
1982Spiritual warrior
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
11757Spiritual warrior
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
11821Spiritual warrior