
Incey wincey.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Spirit spider011800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0MeleeNo 30
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 33MeleeNo 10
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 10
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 10
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 33MeleeNo 10
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 10
Spider11201 1 1 1 1 35 58 0 0 0 4 33MeleeNo 10
Giant spider21501 1 1 1 1 10 10 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 10
Giant spider21501 1 1 1 1 10 10 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 10
Ice spider2165050 55 43 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Giant spider21501 1 1 1 1 10 10 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 10
Dungeon spider21300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 11
Corpse Spider31470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 12
Ice spider3165050 55 43 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Ice spider7165050 55 43 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Ice spider12165050 55 43 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Ice spider17165050 55 43 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Crystalline Spider221100032 26 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 100


At Lumbridge Castle.
At Lumbridge Swamp.
At Al Kharid.
At Draynor Manor.
In Varrock Sewers.
On the path between Lumbridge and Draynor.
In the Lumbridge Catacombs.
During Castle Wars.
At the Feldip Hunter area.
At the caves beneath Lumbridge Swamp.
OSRS maps.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
2307Bread dough
 Bread dough
1 - 27Spider
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
2307Bread dough
 Bread dough
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
1 - 48Spider
1 - 28Spider
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
1 - 49Spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
1 - 49Spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
1 - 49Spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
1 - 410Spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
1 - 410Spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
1 - 410Spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
1 - 411Spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
1 - 411Spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
1 - 411Spider
25137Looting Bag
 Looting Bag
11Deadly red spider
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
11Deadly red spider
2352Iron bar
 Iron bar
1 - 53Deadly red spider
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
13Deadly red spider
1349Iron hatchet
 Iron hatchet
16Deadly red spider
1 - 157Deadly red spider
1273Mithril pickaxe
 Mithril pickaxe
17Deadly red spider
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
17Deadly red spider
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
113Deadly red spider
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
151Deadly red spider
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
151Deadly red spider
6718Fever spider body
 Fever spider body
11Fever spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
11Fever spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
12Fever spider
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
12Giant spider
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
12Giant spider
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
111Giant spider
111Giant spider
2307Bread dough
 Bread dough
112Giant spider
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
112Giant spider
2307Bread dough
 Bread dough
113Giant spider
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
113Giant spider
113Giant spider
113Giant spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
814Giant spider
4000 - 600014Giant spider
7000 - 900014Giant spider
1000 - 200014Giant spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
614Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
1 - 415Giant spider
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
4 - 815Giant spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
415Giant spider
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
115Giant spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
615Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
1 - 416Giant spider
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
4 - 816Giant spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
816Giant spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
416Giant spider
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
616Giant spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
817Giant spider
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
117Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
1 - 419Giant spider
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
819Giant spider
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
119Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
121Giant spider
559Body rune
 Body rune
721Giant spider
121Giant spider
121Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
122Giant spider
559Body rune
 Body rune
722Giant spider
1009Brass necklace
 Brass necklace
122Giant spider
122Giant spider
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
122Giant spider
559Body rune
 Body rune
724Giant spider
1009Brass necklace
 Brass necklace
124Giant spider
1956Cooking apple
 Cooking apple
224Giant spider
124Giant spider
1956Cooking apple
 Cooking apple
225Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
127Giant spider
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
127Giant spider
1009Brass necklace
 Brass necklace
127Giant spider
1956Cooking apple
 Cooking apple
227Giant spider
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
128Giant spider
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
130Giant spider
556Air rune
 Air rune
131Giant spider
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
131Giant spider
1009Brass necklace
 Brass necklace
131Giant spider
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
131Giant spider
559Body rune
 Body rune
732Giant spider
132Giant spider
134Giant spider
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
135Giant spider
137Giant spider
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
138Giant spider
1956Cooking apple
 Cooking apple
241Giant spider
141Giant spider
1189Bronze kiteshield
 Bronze kiteshield
1152Giant spider
1189Bronze kiteshield
 Bronze kiteshield
1153Giant spider
1189Bronze kiteshield
 Bronze kiteshield
1178Giant spider
1189Bronze kiteshield
 Bronze kiteshield
11039Giant spider
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
11Ice spider
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
14Ice spider
6291Spider carcass
 Spider carcass
11Jungle spider
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
18Jungle spider
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
18Jungle spider
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
18Jungle spider
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
19Jungle spider
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
19Jungle spider
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
110Jungle spider
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
110Jungle spider
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
111Jungle spider
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
111Jungle spider
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
111Jungle spider
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
112Jungle spider
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
112Jungle spider
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
112Jungle spider
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
112Jungle spider
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
113Jungle spider
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
113Jungle spider
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
113Jungle spider
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
114Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
114Jungle spider
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
115Jungle spider
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
115Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
115Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
116Jungle spider
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
116Jungle spider
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
118Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
118Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
118Jungle spider
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
118Jungle spider
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
119Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
119Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
119Jungle spider
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
120Jungle spider
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
122Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
122Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
124Jungle spider
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
124Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
126Jungle spider
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
127Jungle spider
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
128Jungle spider
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
130Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1760Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13760Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17760Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1760Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1777Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13777Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17777Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1777Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1799Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13799Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17799Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1799Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1800Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13800Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17800Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1800Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1805Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13805Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17805Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1805Jungle spider
1233Black dagger (p)
 Black dagger (p)
1821Jungle spider
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
13821Jungle spider
9288Steel bolts (p)
 Steel bolts (p)
17821Jungle spider
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
1821Jungle spider
25137Looting Bag
 Looting Bag
11Poison spider
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
11Poison spider
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
14Poison spider
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
11Shadow spider
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
15Shadow spider