Serene Fiend

A Crystal figure, burning bright silver.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Serene Fiend192145000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 44



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11Serene Fiend
27001Serene Fiend
556Air rune
 Air rune
20 - 3019Serene Fiend
562Chaos rune
 Chaos rune
10 - 1519Serene Fiend
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
20 - 3019Serene Fiend
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
40 - 5019Serene Fiend
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
5 - 1519Serene Fiend
555Water rune
 Water rune
10 - 2019Serene Fiend
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
5 - 3031Serene Fiend
5294Harralander seed
 Harralander seed
1 - 531Serene Fiend
7937Pure essence
 Pure essence
2731Serene Fiend
5295Ranarr seed
 Ranarr seed
1 - 331Serene Fiend
5320Sweetcorn seed
 Sweetcorn seed
3 - 931Serene Fiend
5296Toadflax seed
 Toadflax seed
1 - 331Serene Fiend
5322Tomato seed
 Tomato seed
3 - 931Serene Fiend
1161Adamant full helm
 Adamant full helm
137Serene Fiend
1301Adamant longsword
 Adamant longsword
137Serene Fiend
1183Adamant sq shield
 Adamant sq shield
137Serene Fiend
1099Green dhide chaps
 Green dhide chaps
137Serene Fiend
1 - 347Serene Fiend
5283Apple tree seed
 Apple tree seed
1 - 347Serene Fiend
5313Willow seed
 Willow seed
1 - 347Serene Fiend
1401Mystic fire staff
 Mystic fire staff
152Serene Fiend
2801Clue scroll (medium)
 Clue scroll (medium)
162Serene Fiend
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
162Serene Fiend
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
162Serene Fiend