General Grisis

A Legendary leader, Whos only known by myth. He seems to be injured.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
General Grisis1381700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 60MeleeNo 10


OSRS maps.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11General Grisis
556Air rune
 Air rune
119General Grisis
877Bronze bolts
 Bronze bolts
1 - 220General Grisis
125General Grisis
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
125General Grisis
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
126General Grisis
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
126General Grisis
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
127General Grisis
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
127General Grisis
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
128General Grisis
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
428General Grisis
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
128General Grisis
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
128General Grisis
555Water rune
 Water rune
729General Grisis
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
130General Grisis
1203Iron dagger
 Iron dagger
131General Grisis
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
132General Grisis
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
733General Grisis
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
633General Grisis
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
133General Grisis
134General Grisis
436Copper ore
 Copper ore
134General Grisis
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
134General Grisis
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
934General Grisis
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
136General Grisis
562Chaos rune
 Chaos rune
238General Grisis
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
140General Grisis
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
151General Grisis
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
173General Grisis
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
173General Grisis
559Body rune
 Body rune
7379General Grisis