Black Heather

Has a fearsome scowl.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Black Heather34137032 26 27 1 1 9 9 0 0 0 4 33MeleeNo 40
Black Heather34137032 26 27 1 1 9 9 0 0 0 4 60MeleeNo 40



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11Black Heather
110Black Heather
1200 - 300010Black Heather
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
110Black Heather
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
110Black Heather
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
110Black Heather
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
113Black Heather
442Silver ore
 Silver ore
113Black Heather
1177Steel sq shield
 Steel sq shield
113Black Heather
559Body rune
 Body rune
1215Black Heather
1353Steel hatchet
 Steel hatchet
115Black Heather
555Water rune
 Water rune
3015Black Heather
1175Iron sq shield
 Iron sq shield
116Black Heather
517Black Heather
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
321Black Heather
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
122Black Heather
563Law rune
 Law rune
323Black Heather
559Body rune
 Body rune
127Black Heather
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
127Black Heather
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
127Black Heather
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
127Black Heather
1175Iron sq shield
 Iron sq shield
127Black Heather
442Silver ore
 Silver ore
127Black Heather
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
127Black Heather
1353Steel hatchet
 Steel hatchet
127Black Heather
1177Steel sq shield
 Steel sq shield
127Black Heather
555Water rune
 Water rune
127Black Heather
562Chaos rune
 Chaos rune
328Black Heather
1157Steel full helm
 Steel full helm
128Black Heather
1325Steel scimitar
 Steel scimitar
132Black Heather
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
1121Black Heather
562Chaos rune
 Chaos rune
1121Black Heather
2801Clue scroll (medium)
 Clue scroll (medium)
1121Black Heather
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
1121Black Heather
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
1121Black Heather
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
1121Black Heather
563Law rune
 Law rune
1 - 30121Black Heather
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
1121Black Heather
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
1121Black Heather
1157Steel full helm
 Steel full helm
1121Black Heather
1325Steel scimitar
 Steel scimitar
1121Black Heather
1121Black Heather
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
1283Black Heather
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
1283Black Heather
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
1903Black Heather
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
1903Black Heather