Nibbles, Christmas End

This fat wanker ate all the eggs... AGAIN

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Nibbles, Christmas End3652150000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 25Range FollowNo 20
Nibbles, Christmas End4202225000 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 5 35Range FollowNo 20


OSRS maps.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
532Big bones
 Big bones
11Nibbles, Christmas End
10K - 50K1Nibbles, Christmas End
2500 - 50K1Nibbles, Christmas End
1 - 5018Nibbles, Christmas End
1618Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1632Uncut dragonstone
 Uncut dragonstone
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1622Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1628Uncut jade
 Uncut jade
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1626Uncut opal
 Uncut opal
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1630Uncut red topaz
 Uncut red topaz
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1620Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
1624Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
1029Nibbles, Christmas End
15426Candy cane
 Candy cane
136Nibbles, Christmas End
9144Runite bolts
 Runite bolts
20039Nibbles, Christmas End
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
142Nibbles, Christmas End
212Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
216Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
218Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
21627Grimy fellstalk
 Grimy fellstalk
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
200Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
206Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
210Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
214Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
202Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
208Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
204Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
1042Nibbles, Christmas End
2358Gold bar
 Gold bar
5044Nibbles, Christmas End
5627Rune arrow (p++)
 Rune arrow (p++)
10044Nibbles, Christmas End
560Death rune
 Death rune
30047Nibbles, Christmas End
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
247Nibbles, Christmas End
4117Mystic boots
 Mystic boots
147Nibbles, Christmas End
4095Mystic gloves
 Mystic gloves
147Nibbles, Christmas End
4101Mystic robe top
 Mystic robe top
147Nibbles, Christmas End
7937Pure essence
 Pure essence
10047Nibbles, Christmas End
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
30050Nibbles, Christmas End
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
150Nibbles, Christmas End
560Death rune
 Death rune
30050Nibbles, Christmas End
11732Dragon boots
 Dragon boots
150Nibbles, Christmas End
1434Dragon mace
 Dragon mace
150Nibbles, Christmas End
4587Dragon scimitar
 Dragon scimitar
150Nibbles, Christmas End
5316Magic seed
 Magic seed
250Nibbles, Christmas End
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
250Nibbles, Christmas End
4117Mystic boots
 Mystic boots
150Nibbles, Christmas End
4095Mystic gloves
 Mystic gloves
150Nibbles, Christmas End
4101Mystic robe top
 Mystic robe top
150Nibbles, Christmas End
5288Papaya tree seed
 Papaya tree seed
150Nibbles, Christmas End
7937Pure essence
 Pure essence
10050Nibbles, Christmas End
1359Rune hatchet
 Rune hatchet
150Nibbles, Christmas End
9144Runite bolts
 Runite bolts
10050Nibbles, Christmas End
5300Snapdragon seed
 Snapdragon seed
350Nibbles, Christmas End
24155SoF spin ticket
 SoF spin ticket
150Nibbles, Christmas End
1618Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1632Uncut dragonstone
 Uncut dragonstone
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1622Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1628Uncut jade
 Uncut jade
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1626Uncut opal
 Uncut opal
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1630Uncut red topaz
 Uncut red topaz
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1620Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
1624Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
1050Nibbles, Christmas End
5315Yew seed
 Yew seed
250Nibbles, Christmas End
1359Rune hatchet
 Rune hatchet
253Nibbles, Christmas End
21621Fellstalk seed
 Fellstalk seed
556Nibbles, Christmas End
21627Grimy fellstalk
 Grimy fellstalk
1056Nibbles, Christmas End
2362Adamant bar
 Adamant bar
1058Nibbles, Christmas End
2360Mithril bar
 Mithril bar
1058Nibbles, Christmas End
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
159Nibbles, Christmas End
450Adamantite ore
 Adamantite ore
3562Nibbles, Christmas End
1062Nibbles, Christmas End
445Gold ore
 Gold ore
10062Nibbles, Christmas End
448Mithril ore
 Mithril ore
5062Nibbles, Christmas End
2364Rune bar
 Rune bar
1062Nibbles, Christmas End
452Runite ore
 Runite ore
2062Nibbles, Christmas End
5300Snapdragon seed
 Snapdragon seed
362Nibbles, Christmas End
5315Yew seed
 Yew seed
262Nibbles, Christmas End
2360Mithril bar
 Mithril bar
1063Nibbles, Christmas End
11949Snow globe
 Snow globe
163Nibbles, Christmas End
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
50 - 12567Nibbles, Christmas End
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
167Nibbles, Christmas End
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
175Nibbles, Christmas End
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
175Nibbles, Christmas End
2362Adamant bar
 Adamant bar
1077Nibbles, Christmas End
2364Rune bar
 Rune bar
1083Nibbles, Christmas End
4587Dragon scimitar
 Dragon scimitar
194Nibbles, Christmas End
21621Fellstalk seed
 Fellstalk seed
594Nibbles, Christmas End
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
300107Nibbles, Christmas End
1434Dragon mace
 Dragon mace
1125Nibbles, Christmas End
31149Dragon med helm
 Dragon med helm
1125Nibbles, Christmas End
5304Torstol seed
 Torstol seed
1125Nibbles, Christmas End
5418Empty sack
 Empty sack
1143Nibbles, Christmas End
11732Dragon boots
 Dragon boots
1187Nibbles, Christmas End
14728Easter carrot
 Easter carrot
1187Nibbles, Christmas End
5316Magic seed
 Magic seed
1187Nibbles, Christmas End
5288Papaya tree seed
 Papaya tree seed
1187Nibbles, Christmas End
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1187Nibbles, Christmas End
22985Christmas wand
 Christmas wand
1200Nibbles, Christmas End
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
2200Nibbles, Christmas End
10508Wintumber tree
 Wintumber tree
1251Nibbles, Christmas End
12645Chocatrice cape
 Chocatrice cape
1468Nibbles, Christmas End
25227Anti-santa Legs
 Anti-santa Legs
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
25226Anti-Santa top
 Anti-Santa top
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
15425Christmas ghost bottoms
 Christmas ghost bottoms
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
15422Christmas ghost hood
 Christmas ghost hood
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
25739Gingerbread Full mask
 Gingerbread Full mask
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
25741Gingerbread legs
 Gingerbread legs
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
25740Gingerbread top
 Gingerbread top
1501Nibbles, Christmas End
25233Anti-Santa Hat
 Anti-Santa Hat
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
15423Christmas ghost top
 Christmas ghost top
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
22978Christmas spirit jar (empty)
 Christmas spirit jar (empty)
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25745Cozy Green Scarf
 Cozy Green Scarf
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25744Cozy Red Scarf
 Cozy Red Scarf
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25439Elf Boots
 Elf Boots
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25438Elf Hat
 Elf Hat
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25737Elf legs
 Elf legs
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25736Elf top
 Elf top
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
25734Frozen corruption
 Frozen corruption
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
11002Nibbles, Christmas End
5304Torstol seed
 Torstol seed
51002Nibbles, Christmas End
25296Anti chicken feet
 Anti chicken feet
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
25298Anti chicken head
 Anti chicken head
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
25297Anti chicken legs
 Anti chicken legs
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
25295Anti chicken wings
 Anti chicken wings
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
24150Chocolate egg on face mask
 Chocolate egg on face mask
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
24149Egg on face mask
 Egg on face mask
11247Nibbles, Christmas End
25291Burnt rubber chicken
 Burnt rubber chicken
11871Nibbles, Christmas End
11871Nibbles, Christmas End
15673Squirrel ears
 Squirrel ears
11871Nibbles, Christmas End