Customs officer

Inspects peoples packages.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Customs Officer3512300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 40
Customs Officer3512300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 40



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11Customs Officer
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
11Customs Officer
1 - 527Customs officer
1 - 60029Customs officer
13967Corrupt dragon plateskirt
 Corrupt dragon plateskirt
134Customs officer
1213Rune dagger
 Rune dagger
135Customs officer
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
536Customs officer
13961Corrupt dragon helm
 Corrupt dragon helm
137Customs officer
13970Corrupt dragon platelegs
 Corrupt dragon platelegs
137Customs officer
13964Corrupt dragon sq shield
 Corrupt dragon sq shield
142Customs officer
13958Corrupt dragon chainbody
 Corrupt dragon chainbody
143Customs officer
13973Corrupt dragon battleaxe
 Corrupt dragon battleaxe
144Customs officer
13982Corrupt dragon longsword
 Corrupt dragon longsword
144Customs officer
13967Corrupt dragon plateskirt
 Corrupt dragon plateskirt
144Customs officer
13979Corrupt dragon scimitar
 Corrupt dragon scimitar
144Customs officer
145Customs officer
1 - 1545Customs officer
13958Corrupt dragon chainbody
 Corrupt dragon chainbody
147Customs officer
13988Corrupt dragon spear
 Corrupt dragon spear
148Customs officer
149Customs officer
13982Corrupt dragon longsword
 Corrupt dragon longsword
153Customs officer
13985Corrupt dragon mace
 Corrupt dragon mace
153Customs officer
13964Corrupt dragon sq shield
 Corrupt dragon sq shield
154Customs officer
13979Corrupt dragon scimitar
 Corrupt dragon scimitar
166Customs officer
13988Corrupt dragon spear
 Corrupt dragon spear
166Customs officer
1704Amulet of glory
 Amulet of glory
167Customs officer
13985Corrupt dragon mace
 Corrupt dragon mace
173Customs officer
13976Corrupt dragon dagger
 Corrupt dragon dagger
181Customs officer
13961Corrupt dragon helm
 Corrupt dragon helm
184Customs officer
13970Corrupt dragon platelegs
 Corrupt dragon platelegs
184Customs officer
1333Rune scimitar
 Rune scimitar
1270Customs officer
1319Rune 2h sword
 Rune 2h sword
1347Customs officer
1215Dragon dagger
 Dragon dagger
1608Customs officer
13973Corrupt dragon battleaxe
 Corrupt dragon battleaxe
12431Customs officer
13976Corrupt dragon dagger
 Corrupt dragon dagger
12431Customs officer