Balfrug Kreeyath

A Balfrug Kreeyath.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Balfrug Kreeyath15131610115 60 153 150 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 45MageYes 160
Balfrug Kreeyath15131610115 60 153 150 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 33MageYes 160


In the God Wars Dungeon.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11Balfrug Kreeyath
20268Infernal ashes
 Infernal ashes
11Balfrug Kreeyath
111Balfrug Kreeyath
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
111Balfrug Kreeyath
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
111Balfrug Kreeyath
145Super attack (3)
 Super attack (3)
111Balfrug Kreeyath
157Super strength (3)
 Super strength (3)
111Balfrug Kreeyath
7060Tuna potato
 Tuna potato
111Balfrug Kreeyath
245Wine of zamorak
 Wine of zamorak
30 - 10011Balfrug Kreeyath
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
6012Balfrug Kreeyath
11710Godsword shard 1
 Godsword shard 1
112Balfrug Kreeyath
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
9812Balfrug Kreeyath
157Super strength (3)
 Super strength (3)
112Balfrug Kreeyath
7060Tuna potato
 Tuna potato
212Balfrug Kreeyath
11712Godsword shard 2
 Godsword shard 2
113Balfrug Kreeyath
313Balfrug Kreeyath
145Super attack (3)
 Super attack (3)
113Balfrug Kreeyath
245Wine of zamorak
 Wine of zamorak
314Balfrug Kreeyath
11714Godsword shard 3
 Godsword shard 3
115Balfrug Kreeyath
808Steel dart
 Steel dart
9815Balfrug Kreeyath
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
147Balfrug Kreeyath
25174Boots of subjugation
 Boots of subjugation
1208Balfrug Kreeyath
25175Gloves of subjugation
 Gloves of subjugation
1208Balfrug Kreeyath
11716Zamorakian spear
 Zamorakian spear
1208Balfrug Kreeyath
11710Godsword shard 1
 Godsword shard 1
1328Balfrug Kreeyath
11712Godsword shard 2
 Godsword shard 2
1328Balfrug Kreeyath
11714Godsword shard 3
 Godsword shard 3
1328Balfrug Kreeyath
11716Zamorakian spear
 Zamorakian spear
1328Balfrug Kreeyath
25178Garb of subjugation
 Garb of subjugation
1416Balfrug Kreeyath
25177Gown of subjugation
 Gown of subjugation
1416Balfrug Kreeyath
25176Hood of subjugation
 Hood of subjugation
1416Balfrug Kreeyath
25179Ward of subjugation
 Ward of subjugation
1416Balfrug Kreeyath