Baby Void Dragon

Hes a little cutie when he doesnt want to tear your face off.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Baby Void Dragon0120000 0 0 110 110 180 0 0 0 0 5 60MageNo 400



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
15K1Baby Void Dragon
18832Frost dragon bones
 Frost dragon bones
11Baby Void Dragon
200Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
120Baby Void Dragon
206Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
1 - 521Baby Void Dragon
210Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
1 - 521Baby Void Dragon
2486Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
1 - 521Baby Void Dragon
202Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
1 - 521Baby Void Dragon
216Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
123Baby Void Dragon
208Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
1 - 523Baby Void Dragon
560Death rune
 Death rune
50 - 10024Baby Void Dragon
21621Fellstalk seed
 Fellstalk seed
1 - 524Baby Void Dragon
212Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
1 - 524Baby Void Dragon
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
50 - 10024Baby Void Dragon
218Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
1 - 525Baby Void Dragon
204Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
1 - 525Baby Void Dragon
214Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
1 - 526Baby Void Dragon
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
128Baby Void Dragon
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
130Baby Void Dragon
7937Pure essence
 Pure essence
30 - 10031Baby Void Dragon
1123Adamant platebody
 Adamant platebody
132Baby Void Dragon
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
1032Baby Void Dragon
1199Adamant kiteshield
 Adamant kiteshield
133Baby Void Dragon
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
136Baby Void Dragon
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
139Baby Void Dragon
555Water rune
 Water rune
75 - 15059Baby Void Dragon
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
172Baby Void Dragon
1247Rune spear
 Rune spear
1484Baby Void Dragon
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1646Baby Void Dragon
1249Dragon spear
 Dragon spear
1969Baby Void Dragon
11286Draconic visage
 Draconic visage
11938Baby Void Dragon