Deranged archaeologist

Hes seen things that people wouldnt believe.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Deranged archaeologist27612000280 160 280 1 320 280 30 0 0 90 3 33RangeYes 250



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
11Deranged archaeologist
2297Anchovy pizza
 Anchovy pizza
115Deranged archaeologist
2503Black dhide body
 Black dhide body
115Deranged archaeologist
4698Mud rune
 Mud rune
115Deranged archaeologist
2289Plain pizza
 Plain pizza
115Deranged archaeologist
139Prayer potion (3)
 Prayer potion (3)
115Deranged archaeologist
555Water rune
 Water rune
100015Deranged archaeologist
555Water rune
 Water rune
200015Deranged archaeologist
50 - 115021Deranged archaeologist
121562Unidentified small fossil
 Unidentified small fossil
138Deranged archaeologist
1748Black dragonhide
 Black dragonhide
142Deranged archaeologist
142Deranged archaeologist
989Crystal key
 Crystal key
142Deranged archaeologist
11212Dragon arrow
 Dragon arrow
142Deranged archaeologist
445Gold ore
 Gold ore
142Deranged archaeologist
218Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
142Deranged archaeologist
6705Potato with cheese
 Potato with cheese
142Deranged archaeologist
1319Rune 2h sword
 Rune 2h sword
142Deranged archaeologist
868Rune knife
 Rune knife
142Deranged archaeologist
1432Rune mace
 Rune mace
142Deranged archaeologist
1289Rune sword
 Rune sword
142Deranged archaeologist
9431Runite limbs
 Runite limbs
142Deranged archaeologist
142Deranged archaeologist
240White berries
 White berries
142Deranged archaeologist
121564Unidentified medium fossil
 Unidentified medium fossil
176Deranged archaeologist
121566Unidentified large fossil
 Unidentified large fossil
1100Deranged archaeologist
19044Clue scroll (elite)
 Clue scroll (elite)
1186Deranged archaeologist
1149Dragon helm
 Dragon helm
1186Deranged archaeologist
10976Long bone
 Long bone
1186Deranged archaeologist
9194Onyx bolt tips
 Onyx bolt tips
1186Deranged archaeologist
121568Unidentified rare fossil
 Unidentified rare fossil
1433Deranged archaeologist