
Good with arrows.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Gnome Archer511001 1 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 33RangeYes 20
Gnome Archer511001 1 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 60RangeYes 20
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Corpse archer131900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 60RangeNo 27
Tower Archer19130010 10 10 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 6 33RangeYes 40
Tower Archer19130010 10 10 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 6 60RangeYes 40
H.A.M. Archer3013500 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 33RangeYes 40
H.A.M. Archer3013500 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 33RangeYes 40
Tower Archer34150010 10 10 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 6 33RangeYes 70
Tower Archer34150010 10 10 1 40 0 0 0 0 0 6 60RangeYes 70
Archer3715250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 33RangeNo 81


At Ardougne Castle.
In the Lumbridge Catacombs.


ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
1434Dragon mace
 Dragon mace
113Archer Anomaly
3421Limestone brick
 Limestone brick
214Archer Anomaly
202Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
10 - 1515Archer Anomaly
204Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
10 - 1515Archer Anomaly
20K16Archer Anomaly
200Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
10 - 1517Archer Anomaly
2486Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
10 - 1518Archer Anomaly
11212Dragon arrow
 Dragon arrow
5020Archer Anomaly
1305Dragon longsword
 Dragon longsword
120Archer Anomaly
212Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
10 - 1520Archer Anomaly
210Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
10 - 1520Archer Anomaly
1215Dragon dagger
 Dragon dagger
121Archer Anomaly
1149Dragon helm
 Dragon helm
123Archer Anomaly
1624Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
5 - 726Archer Anomaly
987Loop half of a key
 Loop half of a key
129Archer Anomaly
208Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
10 - 1532Archer Anomaly
214Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
10 - 1535Archer Anomaly
1622Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
5 - 736Archer Anomaly
206Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
10 - 1543Archer Anomaly
1620Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
5 - 747Archer Anomaly
3140Dragon chainbody
 Dragon chainbody
164Archer Anomaly
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
1142Archer Anomaly
1632Uncut dragonstone
 Uncut dragonstone
5 - 7142Archer Anomaly
216Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
10 - 15183Archer Anomaly
218Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
10 - 15320Archer Anomaly
1618Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
5 - 7320Archer Anomaly
6739Dragon hatchet
 Dragon hatchet
1426Archer Anomaly
25272Blazing Greatsword
 Blazing Greatsword
11279Archer Anomaly
11Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
128Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
128Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1229Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
129Corpse archer
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
2629Corpse archer
1103Bronze chainbody
 Bronze chainbody
129Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
129Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
129Corpse archer
20029Corpse archer
436Copper ore
 Copper ore
129Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
629Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
629Corpse archer
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
5029Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
129Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
129Corpse archer
129Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
129Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
129Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
129Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3329Corpse archer
129Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
129Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
130Corpse archer
20030Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
630Corpse archer
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
5030Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
130Corpse archer
1718Holy symbol
 Holy symbol
130Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
130Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
130Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
130Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3330Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
130Corpse archer
130Corpse archer
130Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
130Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1231Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
131Corpse archer
1103Bronze chainbody
 Bronze chainbody
131Corpse archer
436Copper ore
 Copper ore
131Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
631Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
631Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
131Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
131Corpse archer
1718Holy symbol
 Holy symbol
131Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
131Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
131Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
131Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3331Corpse archer
131Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
131Corpse archer
555Water rune
 Water rune
631Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1232Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
132Corpse archer
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
2632Corpse archer
1103Bronze chainbody
 Bronze chainbody
132Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
132Corpse archer
20032Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
632Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
632Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
132Corpse archer
132Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
132Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
132Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
132Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3332Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
132Corpse archer
132Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
132Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1233Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
133Corpse archer
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
2633Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
133Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
133Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
133Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
633Corpse archer
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
5033Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
133Corpse archer
133Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
133Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
133Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
133Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3333Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
133Corpse archer
133Corpse archer
133Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
133Corpse archer
555Water rune
 Water rune
633Corpse archer
1103Bronze chainbody
 Bronze chainbody
134Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
134Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
134Corpse archer
20034Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
634Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
134Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
134Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
134Corpse archer
134Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1235Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
135Corpse archer
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
2635Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
135Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
135Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
135Corpse archer
20035Corpse archer
436Copper ore
 Copper ore
135Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
635Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
135Corpse archer
1718Holy symbol
 Holy symbol
135Corpse archer
135Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
135Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
135Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
135Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
135Corpse archer
135Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
135Corpse archer
555Water rune
 Water rune
635Corpse archer
556Air rune
 Air rune
1236Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
136Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
136Corpse archer
1173Bronze sq shield
 Bronze sq shield
136Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
636Corpse archer
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
5036Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
136Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
136Corpse archer
1718Holy symbol
 Holy symbol
136Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
136Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3336Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
136Corpse archer
555Water rune
 Water rune
636Corpse archer
1438Air talisman
 Air talisman
137Corpse archer
1103Bronze chainbody
 Bronze chainbody
137Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
137Corpse archer
20037Corpse archer
436Copper ore
 Copper ore
137Corpse archer
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
637Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
637Corpse archer
313Fishing bait
 Fishing bait
5037Corpse archer
1718Holy symbol
 Holy symbol
137Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
137Corpse archer
1061Leather boots
 Leather boots
137Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
137Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
137Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3337Corpse archer
1448Mind talisman
 Mind talisman
137Corpse archer
137Corpse archer
438Tin ore
 Tin ore
137Corpse archer
555Water rune
 Water rune
637Corpse archer
1139Bronze helm
 Bronze helm
138Corpse archer
1422Bronze mace
 Bronze mace
138Corpse archer
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
638Corpse archer
1673Gold amulet
 Gold amulet
138Corpse archer
1654Gold necklace
 Gold necklace
138Corpse archer
138Corpse archer
1129Leather body
 Leather body
138Corpse archer
1059Leather gloves
 Leather gloves
138Corpse archer
1389Magic staff
 Magic staff
138Corpse archer
558Mind rune
 Mind rune
3338Corpse archer
138Corpse archer
1727Amulet of magic
 Amulet of magic
139Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
139Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
139Corpse archer
1727Amulet of magic
 Amulet of magic
140Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
140Corpse archer
2351Iron bar
 Iron bar
140Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
141Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
142Corpse archer
1727Amulet of magic
 Amulet of magic
142Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
142Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
142Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
142Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
143Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
143Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
143Corpse archer
2351Iron bar
 Iron bar
143Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
144Corpse archer
1727Amulet of magic
 Amulet of magic
144Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
144Corpse archer
2351Iron bar
 Iron bar
144Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
145Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
145Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
145Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
146Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
146Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
147Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
147Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
147Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
147Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
147Corpse archer
1729Amulet of defence
 Amulet of defence
148Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
148Corpse archer
1727Amulet of magic
 Amulet of magic
149Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
149Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
149Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
149Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
150Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
150Corpse archer
2351Iron bar
 Iron bar
150Corpse archer
2349Bronze bar
 Bronze bar
151Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
151Corpse archer
1440Earth talisman
 Earth talisman
152Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
152Corpse archer
1635Gold ring
 Gold ring
152Corpse archer
2351Iron bar
 Iron bar
152Corpse archer
1442Fire talisman
 Fire talisman
153Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
154Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
160Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
164Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
171Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
172Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
177Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
184Corpse archer
1444Water talisman
 Water talisman
1112Corpse archer
3179Monkey bones
 Monkey bones
11Maniacal Monkey Archer
1325Steel scimitar
 Steel scimitar
111Maniacal Monkey Archer