- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Adept deathslinger
- Agrith Naar
- Asyn Shade
- Asyn Shadow
- Chaos dwarf hand cannoneer
- Dagannoth
- Dagannoth mother
- Delrith
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Feral Vampyre
- Forgotten warrior
- Giant skeleton
- Glophren
- Greater demon
- Ice spider
- Ice troll grunt
- Irvig Senay
- Lesser reborn warrior
- Nex
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Scion
- Skeletal horror
- Spawn
- Terror dog
- TokHaar-Hur
- TokTz-Ket-Dill
- Ulfric
- Undead troll
- Zombie
- Brawler
- Dad
- Enduring glacyte
- Ent
- Greater demon
- Knight of Saradomin
- Lesser demon
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Sapping glacyte
- Sea troll
- Skeletal minion
- Smoke devil
- Trapped Soul
- Tree spirit
- Unstable glacyte
- Aberrant Spectre Champion
- Corrupted Wolf
- Dreadnaut
- Earth Warrior Champion
- Ice troll grunt
- Marmaros
- Skeletal warrior
- weast side49
- Wise bloodrager
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Animated pickaxe
- Corsair Traitor
- Damis
- Frogeel
- Guard dog
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Ice warrior
- Knight of Saradomin
- Mummy
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Reborn warrior
- Scabaras ranger
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Skeletal minion
- TzHaar-Mej
- Ugly
- Witchs experiment (fourth form)
- Zombie
- Brute
- Fire giant
- Greater demon
- Grindxplox
- Guard
- Husk
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Shifter
- Stick
- Stomp
- Thorvald the Warrior
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Tome of Strength
- Veliaf Hurtz
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Flying female vampire
- Ice troll
- Revenant ork
- Soulgazer
- Spirit cobra
- Vyrewatch
- Adept stormbringer
- Cyclops
- Kurask
- Kurask minion
- Locust rider
- Mourner
- NoRemorse77
- Obor
- Ravager
- San Tojalon
- Scabaras locust
- Skeletal minion
- Troll general
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- fishrunner82
- Forgotten warrior
- Ghost
- Greater reborn ranger
- Hellhound
- Jogre Champion
- King Sand Crab
- Ork
- Spawn of Sarachnis
- Stranger plant
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Double agent
- Elf warrior
- Forgotten warrior
- Frost dragon
- Guard
- Hill giant
- Iorwerth Warrior
- Ivory Breegth
- Ivory Breegth (cursed)
- Ivory Gromblod
- Ivory Gromblod (cursed)
- Ivory Shredflesh
- Ivory Shredflesh (cursed)
- Lexicus Runewright
- Mourner
- Necrolord
- Necromancer
- Rebel Warrior
- Reborn mage
- Saradomin wizard
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Skeleton
- The Illusive
- Yt-HurKot
- Ancient Fungi
- Ancient Zygomite
- Experiment No.2
- Fire giant
- Forgotten warrior
- Ghast
- Giant snail
- Locust lancer
- Swamp snake
- Thok
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Asyn shadow
- Black Knight guardian
- Dried zombie
- Dust devil
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Flying female vampire
- Forgotten warrior
- Guthix wizard
- Hydra
- Jungle strykewyrm
- Sir Bedivere
- Skeletal warrior
- Terror dog
- Thrower troll
- Tyras guard
- Vyrewatch
- Animated book
- Banshee mistress
- Blue dragon
- Forgotten warrior
- Gargoyle
- Ice Queen
- Mysterious shade
- Rock
- Rogues soul
- Skeletal warrior
- Skeleton
- Slash Bash
- Squishy ghost
- Suqah
- Tanglefoot
- Tome of Strength
- Weak rogues soul
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Ancient Wizard
- Barker toad
- Enormous Tentacle
- Forgotten warrior
- General Khazard
- Greater reborn mage
- Khazard warlord
- Kolodion
- Mithril minotaur
- Red dragon
- Sachem deathslinger
- Scabaras lancer
- Scarab swarm
- Scarabs
- Sir Pelleas
- Thing with eyes
- Vampyre juvinate
- Vyrewatch
- Warped Jelly
- Flesh-Spoiler spawn
- Animated Adamant Armour
- Arrg
- FightpitPKer
- Firecapezorz
- Forgotten mage
- Giant skeleton
- Greater demon
- LolthenKILL
- Mercenary leader
- Mercenary mage
- Mercenary ranger
- Mercenary warrior
- Odischamp
- Ogre shaman
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Saradomin priest
- Troll general
- Aquanite
- Earth warrior
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Forgotten mage
- Forgotten ranger
- Giant bat
- Giant snail
- Ice giant
- Iron dragon
- Sachem stormbringer
- Ahrim the Blighted
- Akrisae
- Akrisae the Doomed
- Ankou
- Bulwark beast
- Dharok the Wretched
- Forgotten mage
- Gorak
- Guthan the Infested
- Honour guard
- Karil the Tainted
- Nechryael
- Nylocas Matomenos
- Sir Tristram
- Skeleton
- Spiritual ranger
- Spiritual warrior
- Stalker
- Torag the Corrupted
- Unholy cursebearer
- Verac the Defiled
- Waterfiend
- Zombie
- Animated pickaxe
- Astea Frostweb
- Hobgoblin
- Rammernaut
- Skeleton
- Adept bloodrager
- Chaos dwogre
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Hope devourer
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Brute
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Guard
- Guard dog
- Ice warrior
- Necromancer
- Reborn mage
- Sir Palomedes
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Spiritual ranger
- Tortured soul
- Ice elemental
- Skeletal warrior
- Stomp
- Vampyre Juvinate
- Black Knight Titan
- Blink
- Blue mage
- Blue ranger
- Blue warrior
- Fiyr Shade
- Fiyr Shadow
- Flying female vampire
- Fungal mage
- Green dragon
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Ice Troll
- Living rock protector
- Mage
- Mummy Champion
- Pit rock protector
- Ram
- Ranger
- Ravenous locust
- Red mage
- Red ranger
- Red warrior
- Revenant dark beast
- River troll
- Rock Golem
- Sir Leye
- Sir Lucan
- Skeleton
- Spiritual mage
- Temple Knight
- TokHaar-Ket-Dill
- Tree spirit
- Vyrewatch
- Warrior
Elfinlocks - Black dragon
- Dessourt
- Edimmu
- Fire giant
- Ice Troll
- Karil the Tainted
- Paladin
- Reborn warrior
- Spiritual mage
- Warped Gulega
- Zombie
- Arctic bear
- Elite Dark Warrior
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Hellhound
- Ice troll
- Ice Troll King
- Lesser demon
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Sir Gawain
- Skeleton
- Spiritual mage
- Spiritual ranger
- Stomp
- Achietties
- Cow1337killr
- Cow31337Killer
- Giant worm
- Ice Troll
- Mutated Bloodveld
- Sir Tiffy Cashien
- Skeletal warrior
- Spiritual warrior
- Abyssal demon
- Ice Troll
- Icy Bones
- Islwyn
- Luminescent icefiend
- Phoenix
- Sir Kay
- Stone Guardian
- Arzinian Avatar of Magic
- Arzinian Avatar of Ranging
- Arzinian Avatar of Strength
- Bandos avatar
- Bandosian guard
- Flying female vampire
- Giant skeleton
- Guthix wizard
- Mummy
- Spiritual warrior
- Undead troll
- Vyrewatch
- Achietties
- Armoured zombie
- Brundt the Chieftain
- c0lect0r890
- Cyrisus
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Gladiator
- Greater demon
- Hellhound
- Jardric
- Mac
- Mummy Champion
- Mutated bloodveld
- Nieve
- Obsidian golem
- Oneiromancer
- Possessed Priest
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Revenant knight
- Santa (possessed)
- Shwanky Shwanker
- Sir Tiffy Cashien
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Cave kraken
- Hellhound
- Rock lobster
- Sir Lancelot
- Spiritual ranger
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Whirlpool
- Bryophyta
- Earth warrior
- Giant bat
- Greater reborn warrior
- Held Vyrewatch
- Held Vyrewatch guard
- Icefiend
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Skeletal warrior
- Vyrewatch
- Vyrewatch guard
- Zombie
- Brawler
- Bulwark beast
- Elder Chaos druid
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Granite lobster
- Monkey Zombie
- Parasite
- Tormented wraith
- Ahrim the Blighted
- Bandit
- Desert strykewyrm
- Feral Vampyre
- Forgotten warrior
- Gelatinnoth Mother
- Ice warrior
- Vyrewatch
- Aviansie
- Bronze dragon
- Forgotten warrior
- Guard dog
- Necromancer
- Praying mantis
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Reborn mage
- Sachem bloodrager
- Cliff
- Confused barbarian
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Forgotten warrior
- Frost dragon
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Hydra
- Ice wolf
- Icefiend
- Lost barbarian
- Maniacal Monkey Archer
- Skeleton
- Skeleton brute
- Skeleton heavy
- Skeleton thug
- Skeleton warlord
- Tar Monster
- Thrower troll
- Zombie
- Adamant minotaur
- Forge regent
- Forgotten warrior
- Kroy
- Mysterious shade
- Squishy ghost
- TzHaar-Xil
- Astea Frostweb
- Damis
- Forgotten warrior
- Infernal pyrelord
- Mercenary leader
- Sagittare
- Spiritual warrior
- Waterfiend
- Armoured zombie
- Dagannoth
- Famished mage-eye
- Famished ranger-eye
- Famished warrior-eye
- Monstrous basilisk
- Revenant dragon
- Rogue
- Skeletal warrior
- Skeleton
- Talon beast
- Tok-Xil
- Ghost
- Hellhound
- Ice troll
- Karamel
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Skeleton
- Tentacle
- Aviansie
- Bouncer
- Giant ent
- Giant Rock Crab
- Hill giant
- Reborn warrior
- Zombie
- Animated Rune Armour
- Cave crawler
- Coward with bow
- Cyrisus
- Dreadnaut
- Elite Black Knight
- Fairy Godfather
- General Grisis
- Glod
- Graetor Honour Guard
- Harbinger Xrul
- Iron dragon
- Lation
- Max
- Mummy
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Turkey
- Brundt the Chieftain
- Clay familiar (class 5)
- Dessous
- Fire titan
- Ghast
- Giant snail
- Growler
- High Priest of Scabaras
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Ice titan
- Moss titan
- Rogues soul
- Spitting Wyvern
- Swamp snake
- Unholy cursebearer
- Weak rogues soul
- Brassican Mage
- Elite Khazard guard
- Ganodermic runt
- Giant skeleton
- Gobby demon
- Head
- Ice elemental
- Idria
- Living rock striker
- Maniacal monkey
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Shade
- Skeletal Wyvern
- Skeleton
- TokHaar-Xil
- Vyrewatch
- Double agent
- Greater demon
- Hellhound
- Hobgoblin
- Hydra
- Insectoid assassin
- Kalphite Guardian
- Leon dCour
- Nail beast
- Necrolord
- Sergeant Strongstack
- Stick
- Tortured gorilla
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Yt-HurKot
- Bulwark beast
- Koschei the Deathless
- Kruk
- Red dragon
- Sergeant Grimspike
- Sergeant Steelwill
- Skeleton
- Stunted demonic gorilla
- Tortured gorilla
- Zakln Gritch
- Ankou
- Bronze dragon
- Brute
- Guard
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Skeletal warrior
- Stomp
- Warped terrorbird
- Wingman Skree
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Screaming twisted banshee
- Wise Old Man
- Blink
- Dark warrior
- Gorak
- Mutated jadinko guard
- Necromancer
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Reborn mage
- Runebound behemoth
- Skeletal warrior
- Tstanon Karlak
- Agrith-Na-Na
- Bree
- Combat instructor
- Giant snail
- Mutated bloodveld
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Torag the Corrupted
- Verac the Defiled
- Ate all the pies
- Blood reaver
- Guthan the Infested
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Taloned Wyvern
- Tortured soul
- Ancient warrior
- Aviansie
- Dagannoth guardian
- High Priest of Scabaras
- Ice troll
- Lava titan
- Mercenary leader
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Spirit dagannoth
- Abomination
- Duke
- Flambeed
- Flockleader Geerin
- Giant Giant Sea Snake
- Giant Sea Snake
- Gorak
- Ice giant
- Kruk
- Monkey Guard
- Oipuis
- Ouhai
- Padulah
- Skeleton hero
- Starlight
- TzHaar-Ket
- Uodai
- Uyoro
- A face only his mum loves
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Blue mage
- Blue ranger
- Blue warrior
- Cute creature
- Evil spirit
- General Breegth
- General Gromblod
- General Shredflesh
- Gravecreeper
- Lizardman shaman
- Mage
- Pit scabarite
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Ranger
- Red mage
- Red ranger
- Red warrior
- Sir Tiffy
- Walking icecube
- Warrior
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Balfrug Kreeyath
- Vyrewatch Sentinel
- Corrupt Lizardman
- Long-tailed Wyvern
- Reborn warrior
- Red dragon
- Swamp titan
- Zombie
- Bulwark beast
- Green dragon
- Nazastarool
- Bulky warrior
- Derek
- Gorak
- Icy Bones
- Kamil
- Rammernaut
- Rune minotaur
- Sand Snake
- Skeletal warrior
- Skeleton
- Astea Frostweb
- Bardur
- Spectral attendant
- Spectral cultivator
- Spectral tender
- Spectral worshipper
- Zemouregal
- Cyclossus
- Fire giant
- Nial Swiftfling
- Rock lobster
- Soulgazer
- Black dragon
- Giant skeleton
- Rock
- Skeletal warrior
- Brawler
- Elite Dark Ranger
- Evil Chicken
- Flight Kilisa
- Ramokee bloodrager
- River troll
- Rock Golem
- Shade
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Tree spirit
- Zombie
- Bouncer
- Colonel Grimsson
- Icefiend
- Smoke devil
- TokHaar-Mej
- Warped Gulega
- Harold
- Hellhound
- Ice elemental
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Lesser Demon Champion
- Luminescent icefiend
- Malevolent Mage
- Nylocas Hagios
- Nylocas Ischyros
- Nylocas Toxobolos
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Dont Know What
- Hope devourer
- Ramokee deathslinger
- Ramokee skinweaver
- Ramokee stormbringer
- Rogues soul
- Weak rogues soul
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Ancient mage
- Greater demon
- Jal-Ak
- Leeuni
- Mercenary leader
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Angry barbarian spirit
- Berserk barbarian spirit
- Elvarg
- Enraged barbarian spirit
- Ferocious barbarian spirit
- Frost dragon
- Skeletal warrior
- Ancient ranger
- Damien Leucurte
- Fareed
- Mature grotworm
- Monkey Guard
- Sagittare
- Wild jade vine
- Hill giant
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Stomp
- Bulwark beast
- Deviant spectre
- Ghost
- Lexicus Runewright
- Necrolord
- Ungadulu
- Unholy cursebearer
- Vanstrom Klause
- Archer Anomaly
- Ayuni
- Bobble-head Anomaly (Melee)
- Chronozon
- Cliff
- Cow
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Sea Troll Queen
- Warrior Anomaly
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Arrg
- Troll general
- Black demon
- Crystalline Bear
- Crystalline Dark Beast
- Crystalline Dragon
- Giant Roc
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Pit black demon
- Skeletal warrior
- Dreadnaut
- Iron dragon
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Damis
- Gravecreeper
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- General Breegth
- General Gromblod
- General Shredflesh
- Hellhound
- Pack yak
- Nazastarool
- Count Draynor
- Ice demon
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Black demon
- Keef
- Runite Golem
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Skeleton
- High Priest of Scabaras
- Arrav
- Corruption beast
- Eruni
- Grifolaroo
- Mightiest turoth
- Monstrous cave crawler
- Skeletal horror
- TokHaar-Ket
- Yt-MejKot
- Black demon
- Nazastarool
- Skeletal warrior
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Agrith-Na-Na
- Dark beast
- Moss giant
- Black demon
- Kob
- Skeletal warrior
- Ice elemental
- Karamel
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Red dragon
- Shaeded Beast
- The Mimic
- Echned Zekin
- Nezikchened
- Ramokee bloodrager
- Barrelchest Mk II
- Black demon
- Blink
- Icy Bones
- King Roald
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Astea Frostweb
- Iron dragon
- Kamil
- Barrelchest
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Giant scarab
- Ice giant
- Drake
- Hellhound
- Khazard warlord
- Serene Fiend
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Xens Drake
- Dagannoth sentinel
- Green dragon
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Black demon
- Bulwark beast
- Held Vyrewatch
- Hydra
- Robert the Strong
- Treus Dayth
- Vyrelady
- Vyrelord
- Jungle demon
- Rammernaut
- Stomp
- Agrith Naar
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Dharok the Wretched
- Warped Gulega
- Cyrisus
- Duradel
- Ghommal
- Gorak
- Harrallak Menarous
- Hazelmere
- Luminescent icefiend
- Mazchna
- Skeletal warrior
- Sloane
- Turael
- Lava monster
- Mother
- Runebound behemoth
- Skeletal Wyvern
- Skeleton Hellhound
- Cliff
- Flambeed
- Ghost
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Lexicus Runewright
- Tanglefoot
- Tree spirit
- Arrav the Defiled
- Cinder
- Damis
- Geyser titan
- Ghast
- Greater Nechryael
- Grifolapine
- Karamel
- Skeletal warrior
- Statue of HCIM vivi
- TokHaar-Tok-Xil
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Dad
- Dagannoth mother
- Fire giant
- Gelatinnoth Mother
- Me
- Mutated jadinko male
- Sagittare
- Black dragon
- Chaos Fanatic
- Dad
- Insatiable Bloodveld
- Necrolord
- Slagilith
- Tree spirit
- Hope devourer
- Mercenary leader
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Basilisk Knight
- Crazy archaeologist
- Damien Leucurte
- Pit iron dragon
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Unholy cursebearer
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Cave abomination
- Giant scarab
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Vitreous Jelly
- Frost dragon
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Culinaromancer
- Dreadnaut
- Gravecreeper
- Penance Queen
- Warped gulega
- Ancient Wyvern
- Arrg
- Barrelchest
- Black demon
- Black Knight Titan
- Ice strykewyrm
- The Kendal
- Wolpertinger
- Hill giant
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Arianwyn
- Skeletal warrior
- Ice Troll King
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Ravenous vampyre
- Skeletal warrior
- Elvarg
- Iron dragon
- Skeleton Hellhound
- Abyssal titan
- Chaotic death spawn
- Ice elemental
- Iron dragon
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Damis
- Dessourt
- Dessous
- Bakuna
- Typhor
- Vritra
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Icy Bones
- Iron titan
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Astea Frostweb
- TzHaar-Ket
- Ancient gargoyle
- The Everlasting
- Scorpia
- Stomp
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Black demon
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Skeletal warrior
- Black dragon
- Brutal green dragon
- Fareed
- Rammernaut
- Skeletal warrior
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Dawn
- Bulwark beast
- Giant Mole
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Steel titan
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Red dragon
- Blink
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Ranis Drakan
- Mercenary leader
- Sagittare
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Agrith-Na-Na
- Derwen
- Luminescent icefiend
- Necrolord
- Phoenix
- Porazdir
- Essyllt
- Hope devourer
- Warped Gulega
- Ice giant
- Cliff
- Flambeed
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Gravecreeper
- Basilisk boss
- Black Knight Titan
- Green dragon
- Jal-ImKot
- Kurask overlord
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Vitreous warped Jelly
- Skeletal warrior
- Dragon
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Bouncer
- Dreadnaut
- Ice Troll King
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Steel dragon
- Unholy cursebearer
- Zenevivia
- Black dragon
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Black dragon
- Chaotic abyssal demon
- Dusk
- Fire giant
- Runebound behemoth
- Skeletal archer
- Skeletal sorcerer
- Akthanakos
- Arrav
- Azzanadra
- Enakhra
- General Khazard
- Hazeel
- Jal-MejJak
- Sharathteerk
- Wahisietel
- Zemouregal
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Lava dragon
- Abhorrent spectre
- Astea Frostweb
- Frost dragon
- Lexicus Runewright
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Skeletal warrior
- Giant Roc
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Corrupted Bear
- Corrupted Dark Beast
- Corrupted Dragon
- Icy Bones
- Stomp
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Nylocas Hagios
- Nylocas Ischyros
- Nylocas Toxobolos
- Skeletal horror
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Iron dragon
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Choke devil
- Choke devil1
- Thermonuclear devil
- Mercenary leader
- Necrolord
- Rammernaut
- Bulwark beast
- Dawn
- Sagittare
- Bork
- Bork-ini
- Hope devourer
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Warped Gulega
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Brutal blue dragon
- Skeletal warrior
- Damis
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Kamil
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Edimmu
- Edimmu (Elite)
- Luminescent icefiend
- Steel dragon
- The Untouchable
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Demonic gorilla
- Enhanced ice titan
- Deranged archaeologist
- Glod
- Gravecreeper
- King Black Dragon
- Lava strykewyrm
- Lexicus Runewright
- Dessous
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Insatiable mutated Bloodveld
- Runebound behemoth
- Swamp snake
- Red dragon
- Unholy cursebearer
- Dreadnaut
- Ganodermic beast
- Nuclear smoke devil
- Blink
- Greater Skeleton Hellhound
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Cave Wolf Matriarch
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Hespori
- Ice giant
- Cruor
- Dusk
- Fumus
- Glacies
- Umbra
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Evil Chicken
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Astea Frostweb
- Brutal red dragon
- Lexicus Runewright
- Rammernaut
- Kraken
- Black demon
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Stomp
- King kurask
- Necrolord
- Nezikchened
- TzHaar-Xil (Hardened)
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Fire giant
- Hazeel
- Mercenary leader
- Sagittare
- Chronozon
- Icy Bones
- Hope devourer
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Fareed
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Ice demon
- Nechryarch
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- TokHaar-Yt-MejKot
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Thermonuclear smoke devil
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Black dragon
- Dagannoth Prime
- Dagannoth Rex
- Dagannoth Supreme
- Bulwark beast
- Mithril dragon
- Runebound behemoth
- Warped Gulega
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Chaos Elemental
- Unholy cursebearer
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- TzHaar-Ket-Yittal
- Luminescent icefiend
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Dreadnaut
- Giant scarab
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Brutal black dragon
- Cerberus
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Sarachnis
- Gravecreeper
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Rammernaut
- Skeletal horror
- TzHaar-Ket (Hardened)
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Skotizo
- Necrolord
- Mercenary leader
- Zogre
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Blink
- Jungle Demon
- Dusk
- Hope devourer
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Sagittare
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Runebound behemoth
- Tormented Hatchling
- Void Drake
- Astea Frostweb
- Soulgazer (Elite)
- Vanstrom Klause
- Kalphite Queen
- Stomp
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Lexicus Runewright
- Repugnant spectre
- Warped Gulega
- Unholy cursebearer
- Zalcano
- Adamant dragon
- Icy Bones
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Night-gazer Khighorahk
- Greater abyssal demon
- Ballak the Pummeller
- The Inadequacy
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
- Bulwark beast
- Justiciar Zachariah
- Marble gargoyle
- Abyssal Sire
- Akthanakos
- Azzandra
- Enakhra
- General Khazard
- Hazeel
- Nylocas Athanatos
- Wahisietel
- Zemouregal
- Rammernaut
- Vyrewatch Sentinel
- Dreadnaut
- Dagannoth Mother
- Necrolord
- Runebound behemoth
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Gravecreeper
- TokHaar-Ket Champion
- Basilisk Sentinel
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Hope devourer
- Sagittare
- Bear
- Ket-Zek
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Luminescent icefiend
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- The Jormungand
- Ethereal dark beast
- Nibbles, Christmas End
- The Everlasting
- Warped Gulega
- Lexicus Runewright
- Unholy cursebearer
- TzHaar-Xil (Hardened)
- Jal-Xil
- Night beast
- Stomp
- Runebound behemoth
- Arianwyn
- Astea Frostweb
- Glough
- Kamil
- Blink
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Barrelchest
- Rune dragon
- Necrolord
- WildyWyrm
- Rammernaut
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Icy Bones
- Ballak the Pummeller
- Dreadnaut
- Hope devourer
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Jungle demon
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Sagittare
- Vorkath
- Luminescent icefiend
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Essyllt
- Warped Gulega
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Runebound behemoth
- Lexicus Runewright
- TokHaar-Ket-Zek
- Ult-Aww
- Bulwark beast
- Unholy cursebearer
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Necrolord
- Hope devourer
- Blink
- Vanstrom Klause
- Rammernaut
- Runebound behemoth
- Anti-Easter Bunny
- Nibbles, Christmas End
- Living rock patriarch
- Sagittare
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Dreadnaut
- Luminescent icefiend
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Vanescula Drakan
- Warped Gulega
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Alchemical Hydra
- Lexicus Runewright
- Icy Bones
- Ballak the Pummeller
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Hope devourer
- Unholy cursebearer
- Astea Frostweb
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Runebound behemoth
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Gravecreeper
- Necrolord
- The Untouchable
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Lexicus Runewright
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Warped Gulega
- Rammernaut
- Tormented demon
- Vanstrom Klause
- Balance Elemental
- Hope devourer
- Sagittare
- Vetion
- Vetion Reborn
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Luminescent icefiend
- Runebound behemoth
- Dreadnaut
- Vanescula Drakan
- Venenatis
- Abomination
- Blink
- Necrolord
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Warped Gulega
- Callisto
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Icy Bones
- Glacor
- Runebound behemoth
- Unholy cursebearer
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Lexicus Runewright
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Hope devourer
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Rammernaut
- Sagittare
- Ballak the Pummeller
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- Jal-Zek
- Warped Gulega
- Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz
- Runebound behemoth
- Fragment of Seren
- Dreadnaut
- Necrolord
- Astea Frostweb
- Gravecreeper
- Char
- Hope devourer
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Lexicus Runewright
- World-gorger Shukarhazh
- ToKash the Bloodchiller
- Blink
- Warped Gulega
- Rammernaut
- Gluttonous behemoth
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- Avatar of Creation
- Avatar of Destruction
- Decaying avatar
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- Dreadnaut
- Sunfreet
- Hope devourer
- Warped Gulega
- Ballak the Pummeller
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Great Olm (Left claw)
- Great Olm (Right claw)
- Blink
- Gravecreeper
- Dreadnip
- Dreadnaut
- Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
- KalGer the Warmonger
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Kreearra
- HarLakk the Riftsplitter
- Commander Zilyana
- Commander Zilyana 2
- Pest Queen
- Hydrophix Dragon
- The Inadequacy
- Dreadnaut
- Blink
- Galvek
- Gravecreeper
- Bloodveld guardian
- KalGer the Warmonger
- Hobgoblin Geomancer
- General Graardor
- Superior General Graardor
- YkLagor the Thunderous
- Blink