Vampyre Juvinate

A Vampyre Juvinate.

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Vampyre Juvinate50160050 37 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate50160050 37 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate50160050 37 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate50160050 37 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Held vampyre juvinate5416600 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 5 33RangeNo 98
Vampyre Juvinate5418500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate5418500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 60MeleeYes 50
Held Vampyre Juvinate5416750 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 5 33RangeNo 101
Held Vampyre Juvinate5416750 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 5 33RangeNo 101
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Vampyre Juvinate54185040 40 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 50
Held vampyre juvinate5916000 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 5 33MeleeNo 51
Vampyre Juvinate59150095 16 45 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Vampyre Juvinate59150095 16 45 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 4 33MeleeYes 60
Vampyre Juvinate6416900 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 4 33RangeYes 103



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
985Tooth half of a key
 Tooth half of a key
11Vampyre juvinate
3325Vampyre dust
 Vampyre dust
11Vampyre Juvinate
1119Steel platebody
 Steel platebody
18Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
18Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
122Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
122Vampyre Juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
122Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
122Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
122Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
122Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
122Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
122Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
122Vampyre Juvinate
1159Mithril full helm
 Mithril full helm
122Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
122Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
122Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
122Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
122Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
122Vampyre juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
522Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
122Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
522Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
122Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
123Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
123Vampyre Juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
123Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
123Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
123Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
123Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
123Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
123Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
123Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
123Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
523Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
523Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
124Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
124Vampyre Juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
124Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
124Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
124Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
124Vampyre Juvinate
1159Mithril full helm
 Mithril full helm
124Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
124Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
124Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
124Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
124Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
524Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
524Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
125Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
125Vampyre Juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
125Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
125Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
125Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
125Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
125Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
125Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
125Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
525Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
525Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
126Vampyre juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
126Vampyre juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
126Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
126Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
126Vampyre Juvinate
1159Mithril full helm
 Mithril full helm
126Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
126Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
126Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
126Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
126Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
126Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
526Vampyre Juvinate
1357Adamant hatchet
 Adamant hatchet
127Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
127Vampyre Juvinate
1179Black sq shield
 Black sq shield
127Vampyre Juvinate
1159Mithril full helm
 Mithril full helm
127Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
127Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
127Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
127Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
127Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
127Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
527Vampyre juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
128Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
128Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
128Vampyre Juvinate
1159Mithril full helm
 Mithril full helm
128Vampyre Juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
128Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
128Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
128Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
128Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
128Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
528Vampyre Juvinate
1515Yew logs
 Yew logs
528Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
129Vampyre juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
129Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
129Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
129Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
129Vampyre Juvinate
1165Black full helm
 Black full helm
129Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
129Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
129Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
129Vampyre Juvinate
1369Mithril battleaxe
 Mithril battleaxe
129Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
129Vampyre juvinate
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
129Vampyre Juvinate
1329Mithril scimitar
 Mithril scimitar
129Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
129Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
129Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
129Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
129Vampyre Juvinate
1083Steel plateskirt
 Steel plateskirt
129Vampyre Juvinate
1519Willow logs
 Willow logs
529Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
130Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
130Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
130Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
130Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
130Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
130Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
130Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
130Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
130Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
130Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
130Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
130Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
131Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
131Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
131Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
131Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
131Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
131Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
131Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
131Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
131Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
131Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
132Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
132Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
132Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
132Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
132Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
132Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
132Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
132Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
132Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
133Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
133Vampyre juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
133Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
133Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
133Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
133Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
133Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
133Vampyre juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
133Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
133Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
133Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
133Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
133Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
134Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
134Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
134Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
134Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
134Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
134Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
134Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
134Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
134Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
134Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
134Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
135Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
135Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
135Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
135Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
135Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
135Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
135Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
135Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
135Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
135Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
136Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
136Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
136Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
136Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
136Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
136Vampyre juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
136Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
137Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
137Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
137Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
137Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
137Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
137Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
137Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
137Vampyre juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
137Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
137Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
138Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
138Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
138Vampyre juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
138Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
138Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
138Vampyre Juvinate
1641Ruby ring
 Ruby ring
138Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
138Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
139Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
139Vampyre Juvinate
1367Black battleaxe
 Black battleaxe
139Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
139Vampyre Juvinate
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
139Vampyre Juvinate
1109Mithril chainbody
 Mithril chainbody
139Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
139Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
140Vampyre Juvinate
1145Adamant helm
 Adamant helm
199Vampyre Juvinate
1430Adamant mace
 Adamant mace
199Vampyre Juvinate
1331Adamant scimitar
 Adamant scimitar
199Vampyre Juvinate
1287Adamant sword
 Adamant sword
199Vampyre Juvinate
1313Black 2h sword
 Black 2h sword
199Vampyre Juvinate
1107Black chainbody
 Black chainbody
199Vampyre Juvinate
1077Black platelegs
 Black platelegs
199Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
199Vampyre Juvinate
2801Clue scroll (medium)
 Clue scroll (medium)
199Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
199Vampyre Juvinate
1315Mithril 2h sword
 Mithril 2h sword
199Vampyre Juvinate
1071Mithril platelegs
 Mithril platelegs
199Vampyre Juvinate
1181Mithril sq shield
 Mithril sq shield
199Vampyre Juvinate
1343Mithril warhammer
 Mithril warhammer
199Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
199Vampyre Juvinate
1381Staff of air
 Staff of air
199Vampyre Juvinate
1387Staff of fire
 Staff of fire
199Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12115Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102115Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102115Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12123Vampyre juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102123Vampyre juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102123Vampyre juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12126Vampyre juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102126Vampyre juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102126Vampyre juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12130Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102130Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102130Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12141Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102141Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102141Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12145Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102145Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102145Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12146Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102146Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102146Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12148Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102148Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102148Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12155Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102155Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102155Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12158Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102158Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102158Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12162Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102162Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102162Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12164Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102164Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102164Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12167Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102167Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102167Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12172Vampyre juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102172Vampyre juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102172Vampyre juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12175Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102175Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102175Vampyre Juvinate
4580Black spear
 Black spear
12181Vampyre Juvinate
560Death rune
 Death rune
102181Vampyre Juvinate
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
102181Vampyre Juvinate