

Combat Info

Name Combat Level Size Hitpoints Stab Attack Slash Attack Crush Attack Magic Attack Range Attack Stab Defence Slash Defence Crush Defence Magic Defence Range Defence Attack Speed Respawn Delay Attack Style Aggressive Max Hit
Deathly ranger0118001 1 232 232 315 0 0 0 0 120 4 33RangeNo 460



ItemId Item Name Item Quantity Kills NPC Name
1446Body talisman
 Body talisman
5324Cabbage seed
 Cabbage seed
557Earth rune
 Earth rune
3 - 621Range
5322Tomato seed
 Tomato seed
3 - 421Range
554Fire rune
 Fire rune
9140Iron bolts
 Iron bolts
1203Iron dagger
 Iron dagger
5318Potato seed
 Potato seed
1 - 424Range
1 - 66725Range
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
1 - 225Range
5319Onion seed
 Onion seed
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1 - 1126Range
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
1 - 529Range
556Air rune
 Air rune
5320Sweetcorn seed
 Sweetcorn seed
1279Iron sword
 Iron sword
5323Strawberry seed
 Strawberry seed
1 - 341Range
1115Iron platebody
 Iron platebody
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
1339Steel warhammer
 Steel warhammer
440Iron ore
 Iron ore
562Chaos rune
 Chaos rune
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
1 - 468Range
1458Law talisman
 Law talisman
2353Steel bar
 Steel bar
5321Watermelon seed
 Watermelon seed
320Ancient ranger
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
120Ancient ranger
7937Pure essence
 Pure essence
2320Ancient ranger
4698Mud rune
 Mud rune
121Ancient ranger
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
122Ancient ranger
171Ranging potion (2)
 Ranging potion (2)
122Ancient ranger
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
124Ancient ranger
1299Mithril longsword
 Mithril longsword
124Ancient ranger
141Prayer potion (2)
 Prayer potion (2)
124Ancient ranger
133725Ancient ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
125Ancient ranger
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
1 - 225Ancient ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
126Ancient ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
126Ancient ranger
244Blue dragon scale
 Blue dragon scale
228Ancient ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
12 - 5029Ancient ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
129Ancient ranger
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
130Ancient ranger
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
130Ancient ranger
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
133Ancient ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
133Ancient ranger
137Ancient ranger
2 - 337Ancient ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
1541Ancient ranger
220Grimy torstol
 Grimy torstol
169Ancient ranger
1303Rune longsword
 Rune longsword
175Ancient ranger
20119Ancient ceremonial boots
 Ancient ceremonial boots
194Ancient ranger
20118Ancient ceremonial gloves
 Ancient ceremonial gloves
194Ancient ranger
20115Ancient ceremonial hood
 Ancient ceremonial hood
194Ancient ranger
20117Ancient ceremonial legs
 Ancient ceremonial legs
194Ancient ranger
20116Ancient ceremonial top
 Ancient ceremonial top
194Ancient ranger
11Deranged archaeologist
2297Anchovy pizza
 Anchovy pizza
115Deranged archaeologist
2503Black dhide body
 Black dhide body
115Deranged archaeologist
4698Mud rune
 Mud rune
115Deranged archaeologist
2289Plain pizza
 Plain pizza
115Deranged archaeologist
139Prayer potion (3)
 Prayer potion (3)
115Deranged archaeologist
555Water rune
 Water rune
100015Deranged archaeologist
555Water rune
 Water rune
200015Deranged archaeologist
50 - 115021Deranged archaeologist
121562Unidentified small fossil
 Unidentified small fossil
138Deranged archaeologist
1748Black dragonhide
 Black dragonhide
142Deranged archaeologist
142Deranged archaeologist
989Crystal key
 Crystal key
142Deranged archaeologist
11212Dragon arrow
 Dragon arrow
142Deranged archaeologist
445Gold ore
 Gold ore
142Deranged archaeologist
218Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
142Deranged archaeologist
6705Potato with cheese
 Potato with cheese
142Deranged archaeologist
1319Rune 2h sword
 Rune 2h sword
142Deranged archaeologist
868Rune knife
 Rune knife
142Deranged archaeologist
1432Rune mace
 Rune mace
142Deranged archaeologist
1289Rune sword
 Rune sword
142Deranged archaeologist
9431Runite limbs
 Runite limbs
142Deranged archaeologist
142Deranged archaeologist
240White berries
 White berries
142Deranged archaeologist
121564Unidentified medium fossil
 Unidentified medium fossil
176Deranged archaeologist
121566Unidentified large fossil
 Unidentified large fossil
1100Deranged archaeologist
19044Clue scroll (elite)
 Clue scroll (elite)
1186Deranged archaeologist
1149Dragon helm
 Dragon helm
1186Deranged archaeologist
10976Long bone
 Long bone
1186Deranged archaeologist
9194Onyx bolt tips
 Onyx bolt tips
1186Deranged archaeologist
121568Unidentified rare fossil
 Unidentified rare fossil
1433Deranged archaeologist
3093Black dart
 Black dart
1 - 39Elite Dark Ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
310Elite Dark Ranger
2323Apple pie
 Apple pie
310Elite Dark Ranger
3093Black dart
 Black dart
1 - 310Elite Dark Ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
310Elite Dark Ranger
9142Mithril bolts
 Mithril bolts
110Elite Dark Ranger
9191Ruby bolt tips
 Ruby bolt tips
110Elite Dark Ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
311Elite Dark Ranger
2323Apple pie
 Apple pie
311Elite Dark Ranger
3093Black dart
 Black dart
1 - 311Elite Dark Ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
311Elite Dark Ranger
9142Mithril bolts
 Mithril bolts
111Elite Dark Ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
312Elite Dark Ranger
3093Black dart
 Black dart
1 - 312Elite Dark Ranger
9142Mithril bolts
 Mithril bolts
112Elite Dark Ranger
9191Ruby bolt tips
 Ruby bolt tips
112Elite Dark Ranger
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
113Elite Dark Ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
113Elite Dark Ranger
1747Black dragonhide
 Black dragonhide
114Elite Dark Ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
114Elite Dark Ranger
1747Black dragonhide
 Black dragonhide
115Elite Dark Ranger
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
115Elite Dark Ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
115Elite Dark Ranger
1747Black dragonhide
 Black dragonhide
116Elite Dark Ranger
1195Black kiteshield
 Black kiteshield
116Elite Dark Ranger
117Elite Dark Ranger
118Elite Dark Ranger
119Elite Dark Ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
1860Elite Dark Ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
1860Elite Dark Ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1860Elite Dark Ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
1901Elite Dark Ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
1901Elite Dark Ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1901Elite Dark Ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
1903Elite Dark Ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
1903Elite Dark Ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1903Elite Dark Ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
1942Elite Dark Ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
1942Elite Dark Ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1942Elite Dark Ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
1946Elite Dark Ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
1946Elite Dark Ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1946Elite Dark Ranger
11Greater reborn ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
717Greater reborn ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
1 - 217Greater reborn ranger
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
117Greater reborn ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
718Greater reborn ranger
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
118Greater reborn ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
1 - 219Greater reborn ranger
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
119Greater reborn ranger
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
119Greater reborn ranger
119Greater reborn ranger
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
120Greater reborn ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
120Greater reborn ranger
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
120Greater reborn ranger
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
120Greater reborn ranger
120Greater reborn ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
721Greater reborn ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
1 - 221Greater reborn ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
121Greater reborn ranger
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
121Greater reborn ranger
9429Adamantite limbs
 Adamantite limbs
122Greater reborn ranger
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
122Greater reborn ranger
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
122Greater reborn ranger
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
122Greater reborn ranger
2359Mithril bar
 Mithril bar
122Greater reborn ranger
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
123Greater reborn ranger
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
123Greater reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
123Greater reborn ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
123Greater reborn ranger
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
124Greater reborn ranger
225Limpwurt root
 Limpwurt root
224Greater reborn ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
124Greater reborn ranger
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
125Greater reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
125Greater reborn ranger
9429Adamantite limbs
 Adamantite limbs
126Greater reborn ranger
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
126Greater reborn ranger
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
126Greater reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
126Greater reborn ranger
9429Adamantite limbs
 Adamantite limbs
127Greater reborn ranger
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
127Greater reborn ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
127Greater reborn ranger
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
127Greater reborn ranger
225Limpwurt root
 Limpwurt root
227Greater reborn ranger
2359Mithril bar
 Mithril bar
127Greater reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
127Greater reborn ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
127Greater reborn ranger
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
128Greater reborn ranger
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
128Greater reborn ranger
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
128Greater reborn ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
128Greater reborn ranger
225Limpwurt root
 Limpwurt root
228Greater reborn ranger
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
129Greater reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
129Greater reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
129Greater reborn ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
129Greater reborn ranger
132Greater reborn ranger
138Greater reborn ranger
164Greater reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
101590Greater reborn ranger
1 - 5001590Greater reborn ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
71590Greater reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
101618Greater reborn ranger
1 - 5001618Greater reborn ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
71618Greater reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
101652Greater reborn ranger
1 - 5001652Greater reborn ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
71652Greater reborn ranger
11Lesser reborn ranger
5318Potato seed
 Potato seed
1 - 319Lesser reborn ranger
5322Tomato seed
 Tomato seed
119Lesser reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
1020Lesser reborn ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
720Lesser reborn ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
220Lesser reborn ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
120Lesser reborn ranger
120Lesser reborn ranger
62Maple longbow (u)
 Maple longbow (u)
120Lesser reborn ranger
5319Onion seed
 Onion seed
220Lesser reborn ranger
173Ranging potion (1)
 Ranging potion (1)
120Lesser reborn ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
220Lesser reborn ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
120Lesser reborn ranger
68Yew shortbow (u)
 Yew shortbow (u)
120Lesser reborn ranger
9143Adamant bolts
 Adamant bolts
721Lesser reborn ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
221Lesser reborn ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
1 - 221Lesser reborn ranger
121Lesser reborn ranger
225Limpwurt root
 Limpwurt root
121Lesser reborn ranger
64Maple shortbow (u)
 Maple shortbow (u)
121Lesser reborn ranger
173Ranging potion (1)
 Ranging potion (1)
121Lesser reborn ranger
5322Tomato seed
 Tomato seed
121Lesser reborn ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
221Lesser reborn ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
121Lesser reborn ranger
1 - 75622Lesser reborn ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
122Lesser reborn ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
122Lesser reborn ranger
225Limpwurt root
 Limpwurt root
122Lesser reborn ranger
5318Potato seed
 Potato seed
1 - 322Lesser reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
122Lesser reborn ranger
68Yew shortbow (u)
 Yew shortbow (u)
122Lesser reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
1023Lesser reborn ranger
123Lesser reborn ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
123Lesser reborn ranger
123Lesser reborn ranger
62Maple longbow (u)
 Maple longbow (u)
123Lesser reborn ranger
62Maple longbow (u)
 Maple longbow (u)
124Lesser reborn ranger
64Maple shortbow (u)
 Maple shortbow (u)
124Lesser reborn ranger
5318Potato seed
 Potato seed
1 - 324Lesser reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
124Lesser reborn ranger
1619Uncut ruby
 Uncut ruby
224Lesser reborn ranger
68Yew shortbow (u)
 Yew shortbow (u)
124Lesser reborn ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
225Lesser reborn ranger
9439Crossbow string
 Crossbow string
1 - 225Lesser reborn ranger
125Lesser reborn ranger
5319Onion seed
 Onion seed
225Lesser reborn ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
125Lesser reborn ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
1026Lesser reborn ranger
1 - 75626Lesser reborn ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
126Lesser reborn ranger
5319Onion seed
 Onion seed
226Lesser reborn ranger
5322Tomato seed
 Tomato seed
126Lesser reborn ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
126Lesser reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
140Lesser reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
142Lesser reborn ranger
1617Uncut diamond
 Uncut diamond
146Lesser reborn ranger
11Locust ranger
9052Locust meat
 Locust meat
124Locust ranger
4699Lava rune
 Lava rune
2025Locust ranger
371Raw swordfish
 Raw swordfish
125Locust ranger
201Grimy marrentill
 Grimy marrentill
126Locust ranger
205Grimy harralander
 Grimy harralander
127Locust ranger
203Grimy tarromin
 Grimy tarromin
128Locust ranger
129Locust ranger
199Grimy guam
 Grimy guam
129Locust ranger
129Locust ranger
2293Meat pizza
 Meat pizza
131Locust ranger
9735Desert goat horn
 Desert goat horn
332Locust ranger
3385Splitbark helm
 Splitbark helm
133Locust ranger
3393Splitbark boots
 Splitbark boots
134Locust ranger
1623Uncut sapphire
 Uncut sapphire
134Locust ranger
135Locust ranger
217Grimy dwarf weed
 Grimy dwarf weed
135Locust ranger
1347Rune warhammer
 Rune warhammer
135Locust ranger
1199Adamant kiteshield
 Adamant kiteshield
136Locust ranger
2485Grimy lantadyme
 Grimy lantadyme
136Locust ranger
1319Rune 2h sword
 Rune 2h sword
137Locust ranger
3389Splitbark legs
 Splitbark legs
137Locust ranger
213Grimy kwuarm
 Grimy kwuarm
138Locust ranger
2366Shield left half
 Shield left half
138Locust ranger
211Grimy avantoe
 Grimy avantoe
139Locust ranger
207Grimy ranarr
 Grimy ranarr
139Locust ranger
1373Rune battleaxe
 Rune battleaxe
140Locust ranger
141Locust ranger
215Grimy cadantine
 Grimy cadantine
141Locust ranger
209Grimy irit
 Grimy irit
141Locust ranger
1621Uncut emerald
 Uncut emerald
142Locust ranger
3387Splitbark body
 Splitbark body
143Locust ranger
3391Splitbark gauntlets
 Splitbark gauntlets
144Locust ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
242404Locust ranger
565Blood rune
 Blood rune
1 - 202404Locust ranger
1 - 602404Locust ranger
564Cosmic rune
 Cosmic rune
52404Locust ranger
4095Mystic gloves
 Mystic gloves
12404Locust ranger
561Nature rune
 Nature rune
302404Locust ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
92404Locust ranger
11Spiritual ranger
43Adamant arrowheads
 Adamant arrowheads
1 - 13014Spiritual ranger
1777Bow string
 Bow string
114Spiritual ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
714Spiritual ranger
687Broken arrow
 Broken arrow
114Spiritual ranger
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
1 - 58014Spiritual ranger
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
114Spiritual ranger
53Headless arrow
 Headless arrow
114Spiritual ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
114Spiritual ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
1 - 24014Spiritual ranger
40Iron arrowheads
 Iron arrowheads
514Spiritual ranger
40Iron arrowheads
 Iron arrowheads
114Spiritual ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
114Spiritual ranger
56Oak longbow (u)
 Oak longbow (u)
1 - 12014Spiritual ranger
843Oak shortbow
 Oak shortbow
114Spiritual ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
1 - 12014Spiritual ranger
2362Adamant bar
 Adamant bar
4 - 1215Spiritual ranger
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
115Spiritual ranger
53Headless arrow
 Headless arrow
1215Spiritual ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
115Spiritual ranger
40Iron arrowheads
 Iron arrowheads
515Spiritual ranger
5619Mithril arrow (p+)
 Mithril arrow (p+)
115Spiritual ranger
57Oak longbow (u)
 Oak longbow (u)
1115Spiritual ranger
843Oak shortbow
 Oak shortbow
115Spiritual ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
115Spiritual ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
716Spiritual ranger
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
116Spiritual ranger
53Headless arrow
 Headless arrow
1216Spiritual ranger
40Iron arrowheads
 Iron arrowheads
516Spiritual ranger
5619Mithril arrow (p+)
 Mithril arrow (p+)
116Spiritual ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
717Spiritual ranger
57Oak longbow (u)
 Oak longbow (u)
1117Spiritual ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
117Spiritual ranger
882Bronze arrow
 Bronze arrow
118Spiritual ranger
53Headless arrow
 Headless arrow
1218Spiritual ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
118Spiritual ranger
57Oak longbow (u)
 Oak longbow (u)
1118Spiritual ranger
843Oak shortbow
 Oak shortbow
118Spiritual ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
118Spiritual ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
319Spiritual ranger
559Body rune
 Body rune
119Spiritual ranger
851Maple longbow
 Maple longbow
119Spiritual ranger
5619Mithril arrow (p+)
 Mithril arrow (p+)
119Spiritual ranger
843Oak shortbow
 Oak shortbow
119Spiritual ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
119Spiritual ranger
9179Steel crossbow
 Steel crossbow
119Spiritual ranger
559Body rune
 Body rune
120Spiritual ranger
851Maple longbow
 Maple longbow
120Spiritual ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
120Spiritual ranger
9179Steel crossbow
 Steel crossbow
120Spiritual ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
321Spiritual ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
122Spiritual ranger
9179Steel crossbow
 Steel crossbow
123Spiritual ranger
851Maple longbow
 Maple longbow
124Spiritual ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
325Spiritual ranger
559Body rune
 Body rune
125Spiritual ranger
9179Steel crossbow
 Steel crossbow
125Spiritual ranger
43Adamant arrowheads
 Adamant arrowheads
127Spiritual ranger
5626Adamant arrow (p++)
 Adamant arrow (p++)
1 - 329Spiritual ranger
5626Adamant arrow (p++)
 Adamant arrow (p++)
1 - 331Spiritual ranger
2538Adamant fire arrows
 Adamant fire arrows
432Spiritual ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
132Spiritual ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
136Spiritual ranger
5626Adamant arrow (p++)
 Adamant arrow (p++)
1 - 337Spiritual ranger
43Adamant arrowheads
 Adamant arrowheads
139Spiritual ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
140Spiritual ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
141Spiritual ranger
559Body rune
 Body rune
1 - 12041Spiritual ranger
851Maple longbow
 Maple longbow
141Spiritual ranger
892Rune arrow
 Rune arrow
1 - 5041Spiritual ranger
9179Steel crossbow
 Steel crossbow
141Spiritual ranger
43Adamant arrowheads
 Adamant arrowheads
142Spiritual ranger
2538Adamant fire arrows
 Adamant fire arrows
443Spiritual ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
146Spiritual ranger
43Adamant arrowheads
 Adamant arrowheads
152Spiritual ranger
5626Adamant arrow (p++)
 Adamant arrow (p++)
1 - 355Spiritual ranger
2538Adamant fire arrows
 Adamant fire arrows
455Spiritual ranger
111942Ecumenical key
 Ecumenical key
179Spiritual ranger
890Adamant arrow
 Adamant arrow
1 - 150180Spiritual ranger
2538Adamant fire arrows
 Adamant fire arrows
30 - 40180Spiritual ranger
2722Clue scroll (hard)
 Clue scroll (hard)
1180Spiritual ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
1 - 20180Spiritual ranger
112746Mysterious emblem
 Mysterious emblem
1180Spiritual ranger
121257Slayers enchantment
 Slayers enchantment
1180Spiritual ranger
11Zamorak ranger
13Zamorak ranger
1006Zamorak ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
16Zamorak ranger
1007Zamorak ranger
884Iron arrow
 Iron arrow
17Zamorak ranger
1777Bow string
 Bow string
108Zamorak ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
18Zamorak ranger
1778Bow string
 Bow string
19Zamorak ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
19Zamorak ranger
849Willow shortbow
 Willow shortbow
19Zamorak ranger
886Steel arrow
 Steel arrow
110Zamorak ranger
847Willow longbow
 Willow longbow
110Zamorak ranger
849Willow shortbow
 Willow shortbow
110Zamorak ranger
847Willow longbow
 Willow longbow
111Zamorak ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
112Zamorak ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
116Zamorak ranger
888Mithril arrow
 Mithril arrow
142Zamorak ranger
847Willow longbow
 Willow longbow
142Zamorak ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
199Zamorak ranger
861Magic shortbow
 Magic shortbow
1137Zamorak ranger