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Max clan

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Hello all,

Are the dedicated to grinding and want to join others that are too? Look no further then "Max Clan". This Clan was made for those people who have achieved Max Cape in game and won't to join those who have done so too. Everyone in this clan have goals after maxing and are happy to help one another, including yourself if you make it in. If you wish to join just message any of us in-game or on discord and speaking of discord Max Clan have there own discord so when you join make sure that we invite you to it.


Some of you may be aware the Kyle made a post about Max clan along time back. Well I can't edit that and he is also banned from the server and Max Clan so I decided to make this one to keep it updated.


Requirements to join

Must be maxed. Nothing else


Rules of clan

1. Respect.

2. Loyalty.

3. Anything below Admin stays as it is now.

4. Admin req = Comp Cape + Discussed by Higher Ranks

5. Admins keep CC clean, they are not allowed to promote.

6. Higher ranks are given out by owners with a vote.

7 Coord+ Keeps track of admins, report back to ranks above

8 If a member of Maxed does something that doesnt meet the standards of Maxed he is suspended untill further notice.

9 Maxed Clan is known as the best clan with the most well known players ingame. We want to keep it that way

10 If there is a situation where the rules cant be applied. The highest rank available has the final call.

11 Some members may be promoted to a higher rank if they get a 4/4 vote, even when they dont meet the req’s.


How to achieve higher ranks once in Max Clan

Recruit - Minimum total XP required: 335, 865, 424.

Corporal - Total XP required: 400m +

Sergeant - Total XP required: 550m +

Lieutenant - Total XP required: 750m +

Captain - Total XP required 1b+

General - Total XP required 1.5b + All ranks after general are discussed and approved before being granted to a player. Meeting the XP requirements does not mean you will be automatically promoted.

Admin - Players need: 1.75b xp, comp Cape + will be discussed by the clan leaders.

Organiser - Players need: 2b xp, Comp Cape + will be discussed by clan leaders and voted on. Player needs to get 4/6 votes.

Coordinator - Players need: 2.5b XP, Comp Cape + will be discussed by clan leaders and voted on. Player needs to get 6/6 votes.

Overseer - Players cannot apply for this role, role will be awarded to clan members who go above and beyond the call of duty.


Current Owners/Co-Owners




Flip (dunno y dudes inactive af 😛 still ❤️ him doe)


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