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Kaotic's Appeal

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Name: Kaotic 
Rules Broken (if any): Third Party Software / Botting / Mouse keys
Time Punished: N/A 
Punishment Length & Type: Permanent Ban
Staff Member who issued the punishment: Lation

Redeem yourself, explain the entirety of the situation:
First off I will not be denying the fact I was using a third party software. Did I have any intentions of taking it beyond what I could do myself? No. I simply used this in order to help make things easier for me to do to watch Game of Thrones. As embarrassed as I am to be writing this today, I believe the punishment is deserving but seek to be forgiven of my stupid mistake.

I've always tried to be a somewhat good member of the community, posting guides, helping players and even helping Lation behind the scenes.

I do understand the severity of what I had been doing last night, And given the opportunity to play again I would never even think to attempt it again. 

I do apologise immensely for breaking the rules, and most importantly breaking your trust.

Why should you be Unmuted/Banned?:
Although I do not believe I should be unbanned, I come to ask for forgiveness and a second chance. Regardless of the fact I am not deserving of it. I promise to be better, This was a stupid mistake I made at late night that has cost me more than it was worth. I wish for the hours I poured into "Kaotic" to not have gone to waste over a mistake.

My setup -

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I'll start this.

I am disappointed, but I do however get why you'd do a stupid thing like that.

We have always been forgiving and believe in second chances (sometimes 3rd and 4th...) This is not your first rule break, but I am not going to go into much detail about that except to say that it was serious enough to warrant a ban upon next rule break, which you got. With that being said, I do believe you when you say you won't do it again and so I am willing to give you another chance, given that your herblore level will be reset to 3 and your account stays banned for a week upon the accept of this appeal.


Now I would like to get the Staff teams opinions on this and the communities, so I will ask you all to give your thoughts on the matter.

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It's a shame it's had to come to this. Not many players have done anything serious enough to have to appeal a ban. 


Personally I believe that what happened on your other rule breaking that just like Kari I will not go into to that we gave you a second chance at redemption and its disappointing that you gave up your second chance doing something this stupid. I understand players can become burnt out trying to grind them 200m's I did going for 5bil exp and I'm sure Kari did to. But there is nothing wrong with being burnt out or wanting an easier way out. It's much simpler to give yourself a break or do something different within Ely then resort to botting because you are either burnt out or watching something. 


I'm personally not a fan of giving second chances however the Ely staff team as a whole have given many people 3 and 4 chances depending on if we believe that person weillcontinue to do so. You've been a member of elys community for a long time and haven't broken any rules until recently. Therefore I do believe given the seriousness of your situation that you under this could very well be your last time on Ely. But I also believe that you will not do this again and will be happy to give you one last chance to prove yourself but a punishment must still be serviced and I believe just like kari an exp reset to herblore back to your original exp before you botted and a week ban to be served should be enough of a punishment.

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Personally i think he does deserve another chance because i have gotten one myself. I don't know what other things he has done before this to say more about this. On this point i agree with Kari. Resetting herb level to 3  & etc. Kaotic is a great guy and is very helpful in many things! Give him another shot.

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Even tho Kao gets on everybodys nerves, we all love him. Nobody is perfect and everybody fucks up. So far all i've seen from Kaotic is a guy who wants to help the community and has a good time losing his bank to Jordan. Botting is a major offense and should never be taken lightly, but I do believe that this event will scare him straight. He has put a lot of time and money into his account and i'm sure he would not want to risk it again. Give the guy one last shot, keep a close eye on him and exp reset.

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I'm in agreement with Kari, Due to the severity of past offences, a 1 week ban with an xp reset to the botted skill seems fair and just, like we have been in the past to you. I'm sure you understand how much this can effect Ely, and that you will not break any of these rules again, Otherwise you will  find yourself recieving more severe punishments, that might not be appeal able.

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I was disappointed when finding out you were botting, because after all the history you've had recently i thought you'd never do something this silly. However i also believe in second or whatever chances. I think a nice time ban for a week or two is justified and a reset in herblore to level 3. I think if you're found doing anything like this or something else sever, it should be a permanent ban without appeal. This isn't something people should get off easily in my opinion.

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59 minutes ago, Boats said:

Are ban appeals meant for the whole community? Or only staff?

Honestly, we haven't really made any forum rules/guidelines so far. I'm gonna let this one be as it is, and maybe in the future we'll do it differently.

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2 hours ago, Kari said:

Honestly, we haven't really made any forum rules/guidelines so far. I'm gonna let this one be as it is, and maybe in the future we'll do it differently.

In my opinion, should just be staff. Having it open to community can very easily turn into a popularity/animosity competition rather than what is right or wrong.

Staff should be better at giving a fair 'trial' than an open community. But I digress.


Caught/admitting to botting. Week ban+reset to level 3 is a fair punishment in my opinion. Caught again = donezo.



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Appeal has been accepted under these terms: 1 week ban starting upon the appeal being accepted + herblore reset to level 3.

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