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Lower drop rate

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This is an example of drops that are rare, but possible to get all of them.


This is an example of *impossible* to get all of them





My suggestion is to lower that drop rate, because it's ridiculous to have it that rare haha

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  • Owner
This is an example of drops that are rare, but possible to get all of them.

This is an example of *impossible* to get all of them


My suggestion is to lower that drop rate, because it's ridiculous to have it that rare haha


Yeah that is a bit insane, last I saw they were no where near that rare, that is a bit too-hefty.

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  • Developer

Boss was made 5x easier to kill. Boss wasn't given neg range bonuses so people can use Ruby Bolts ( e ) again. Drop rates reflect these changes. 6 items at a 1247 rate is a 1/208 chance for a single one of those items. Very easy to obtain considering the boss dies within minutes, is afkable and is here for weeks.

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Boss was made 5x easier to kill. Boss wasn't given neg range bonuses so people can use Ruby Bolts ( e ) again. Drop rates reflect these changes. 6 items at a 1247 rate is a 1/208 chance for a single one of those items. Very easy to obtain considering the boss dies within minutes, is afkable and is here for weeks.


Lets say 5 minutes to kill. Let’s say you get everything at its drop rate, so it take 1247 kills. That’s 5000 minutes. Or 83 hours. I would hardly say that’s very easy to obtain.


and I don’t think it’s 5x easier than Santa. Santa seemed very comparable. Leppy was just straight dumb. Lol

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Santa had what? 100k health or some shit. This one has 22k. I've tried it out and it takes no time to solo so imagine a group of say 5 people

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Santa had what? 100k health or some shit. This one has 22k. I've tried it out and it takes no time to solo so imagine a group of say 5 people


Santa at release-week 1. Not after health buff

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  • Owner

After looking into it, it does appear to be the perfect drop rate. Looking at enzyme's screenshot; it's accurate. I see people getting a drop every few kills, even at these rates. So in all honestly should I say.. it could still even be a bit too common. And read what Luke said about "6 items at a 1247 rate is a 1/208 chance for a single one of those items." That is accurate.

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ok soz upon review they clearly aren't behaving as they should be. i'll lower them by a small amount and see if it impacts it at all.


I appreciate the sorry. Really.



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  • Developer

I've taken into account this thread and when we release the next seasonal boss, I'll use drop rates that reflect what we've discussed. Moving this to accepted.

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