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fm das

Patch Notes LXXXVII (#87) QoL, Drop Table, Adjustments & Bug Fixes!

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Hey everyone! Long time no see, righhhhtt?? I know, I've missed this just as much as everyone else has, I'm SURE. But boooyo me, do we have A LOT to go over.. First and foremost, I'd like to give myself this opportunity to say a massive thank you to @Lationand the rest of the community within Ely to have trusted me and allowed me to be Ely's 4th ever Administrator! To keep it short and sweet, it's an honor to get to play this game with likeminded individuals with similar interests, and get to baby sit you all just about everyday 🤣. Nonetheless, I'm fortunate enough to be in a position as a 'player' to make subtle, yet much needed changes and adjustments that the vast majority of the community, and myself think is necessary in order for Ely to maintain relevancy and it's overall fun atmosphere. I hope I can truly be a voice for the average player when it comes to adding and creating content for the game. Anyways, I'm glad to be here & I love you all!

Now that's over, let's get into the actual meat and potato's.. Shall we?




So a little TL;DR (too long didn't read) of the main updates, February to Present Day;

‣ Revamped CoX Drop Table & added/adjusted drop rates + fixed Vanguard point farming + refined/patched bugs within CoX.

‣ Karambwans & Purple sweets no longer reset your attack timers.

‣ Fixed Rune pouch unlimited runes bug.

‣ Introduced 2FA security measures.

‣ Adjusted Olm's PvM Point reward.

‣ Added Twisted bow passive.

‣ Magic accuracy changes.




Present day, this is what @Xenith, @Mattand I (mostly Xenith & Matt, as I can barely read and write, let alone code), have been working on for the greater part of a few weeks. Just little tweaks us and a few players of the game thought might be in need of a little love.. Our plan this patch was to go in and find things that were lacking in either content, usability, or non functional things in general that we have access to in-game, but rewards are lackluster & unfulfilling. Alongside that and a few other things, we've added a new feature of acquiring Skilling coffers as well as Clue scrolls from participating in certain Skilling activities, huge thanks to @Isofor the stellar idea!

Check out what else we've updated this patch so far:

Drop Table Changes

The following drop tables have been updated because they all felt really lackluster for where you are at in the game when you are getting these for slayer tasks.

‣ Mithril Dragons

‣ Steel Dragons

‣ Iron Dragons

‣ The entire Living Rock Cavern

‣ Aquanites

‣ Suqah’s

‣ Experiments


Barrows Reward Buffs

Added the following items to the barrows drop table to make it more enticing.

‣ Karambwan

‣ Hard/Elite Clues

‣ Mid/High tier coffers

‣ Coffer Key

‣ Amulet of the Damned


Skilling Changes

You can now receive Skiller’s coffers and any clue rarity from various skilling activities.

‣ Mining

‣ Woodcutting (no Ivy)

‣ Fishing

‣ Thieving (Pickpockets and Stalls)

‣ Hunter (Catching flying things; butterflies and implings)

‣ Agility (By completing a course)

Karambwan Fishing

In addition to adding these to various drop tables across the game in small quantities you can now catch raw karambwan through big net fishing and cook them like any normal food.

Added Farming Outfit (Obtainable through Skilling coffers)

‣ Each piece gives 1% XP & 1% extra harvests, set bonus is an additional 1% to both.

Added Carpenters Outfit (Obtainable through Skilling coffers)

 ‣ Each piece gives 1% XP bonus, set bonus is an additional 2%.

Bugs, Fixes & Stat Adjustments

‣ Adjusted stats + added Ranged Str to Sagittarian shortbow + longbow (SB - ranged attack 75 > 90 + 50 Str) (LB - ranged attack 158 > 95 + 55 str)

‣ Adjusted stats of t1/t2 Anguish necklace (t2 = 41 ranged attack > 66, 16 ranged str > 37) , (t1 = 35 ranged attack > 60, 10 ranged str > 33)

‣ Nerfed Heavy ballista + D javs (max hit 50 > 45 - tbow max hit 54) (ranged attack 80 > 60) (str 90 > 75) (dragon jav str 135 > 120)

‣ Adjusted stats of Dragon hunter crossbow (ranged attack 120 > 244 ) (str 30 > 84) (t3 ccb max - 32 | dhcb - 44)

‣ Adjusted stats of Hexhunter bow (ranged attack 77 > 84 + str 75 > 85) + added passive. 

‣ Fixed being unable to deposit all if your bank had more than 972 items in it

‣ Adjusted stats of Elder maul + fixed stance & attack animation.

‣ Added ranged strength to darts within the Toxic blowpipe. 

‣ Fixed bug where you wouldn't get a gravestone within Monster Carnage minigame.

‣ Fixed CoX 1 loot rolls, you now roll 3 unless it's a unique drop (Tbow, Kodai, etc).

‣ Loot from CoX no longer disappears if inventory is full.

‣ Twisted bow now consumes arrows.

REMOVED Dominion Tower cutscenes.

‣ Magic secateurs & Greenfinger aura variants now work properly.

‣ Added 200/2000 damage cap to Grae & increased caps at Nex + Wildy wyrm from 100/1000 > 150/1500. (Ruby E's excluded).

‣ Reduced Commander Zilyana's stats slightly, her damage was WAY too much.



♡ Final Words ♡

Again, an absolute monster of a thank you to @Xenithfor going the extra mile this patch. Man's doing GODS work.

This is just the beginning.. We've got some more exciting updates coming out in the next coming weeks, which will be even more QoL, more additions to Slayer & Slayer monsters! PERHAPS, wildyslayer???  Thank you all for sticking around & reading, GL & until next time gamers ❤️





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Honestly one of the best updates to hit ely in its entire existence! I'll tell ya after 500 floors of consecutive DOM tower you definitely end up insane (look at me)... Removing these cutscenes actually wants me to start another HCIM now!

As for bug fixes within CoX that's just awesome and the nerfs and buffs of particular weapons; However what I am perhaps most excited about within this update is the addition of skilling rewards from actually participating in the skill itself not as a bi product of skilling points. Clues scrolls and coffers were an excellent choice. 

As for the rework of monsters throughout Ely, that has been a long awaited and very relevant step in maintain that ely be the greatest RSPS out there!

Huge thankyou to @fm das @Matt @Xenith @Iso for all you have done, Ely has always been for the players. And this update is exactly that...

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