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Read Before Posting Suggestions

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Firstly, thank you for taking the time to be interested enough in Ely to want to contribute in the form of a suggestion.
It means a lot to us to hear back from you's and see what your thoughts & opinions are. With all that said..

1. When making your suggestion(s) understand that your suggestion may or may not be considered for any reason.
Every suggestion that gets posted gets read, reviewed & decided upon in time. This won't be immediately - but when available.

2. It is in your best interest to advertise your thread within the Discord, in-game & friends to try to gain support on your idea.
Posts that show zero interest from the community as a whole - are usually not considered.
Be sure your suggestion caters to the entirety of the community & not just you.
The suggestions we add improve the game-play of Ely overall & provide a benefit to all the players, not just one or two.

3. Make sure your post is as descriptive, in-depth, clear & well thought out before posting.
Suggestions such as "Add X" will not be considered. Suggestions such as "Add X, cause Y, for Z" + community support are heavily considered.

4. Lastly, scan through the previous suggestions to verify you are not making a duplicate post.
It is easy for things to get lost in the weeds. Before posting make sure yours hasn't already been suggested.

Edited by Lation
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