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Ely Road to Max - Who will hit it first?

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Hello! all fellow Ely players today I, Ely, yeah that is my real name.... am challenging you to beat me to a race! :cool:



I wanna see who will get his account Maxed first (Probably me Leading Hiscores like c'mon easy Game..... http://www.elyrsps.net/forums/index.php?pageid=hiscores) :cool:


But there's still hope for you to win... and I want a challenge.


If I lose I will grant the Winner a Prize but that will be a Suprise but dont think you guys will win MUAHHAHAHA.








Look at my stats you guys arent even close to my Stats MUHAHAHAHA. 32255074zj.png *updated 31.08.2018*

Edited by Elythat'smyrealname
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