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In-game donator ranks

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(short description):Allow the donator ranks buyable in-game for coints .


(explain what this will benefit, and how): it will increace the population of the server, and most certainly will increace the player number.


(a more thorough explanation of the above): It will make the server more playble, because some of the people do not have the money to buy the donator ranks irl (life situation)

the donator ranks would certainly up the community to go and make money in the game, but at the same time it will make sure that the donator rank is not obtainable easy.



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  • Owner
You can already buy donator status from other players right? Seems like a community driven price is better than a set amount


For those who cannot or chose not too donate, I do on a case-by-case basis allow for exchanges of GP & Donor Points between two player's & their agreed upon situation.

At the moment this does suffice, should one day we have a need for a more automated system we could discuss the possibility of adding scrolls or something of some sort.


(Not exactly quoting you as a response but using your statement to expand on)

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Lets keep in mind the server has costs and needs to be able to support itself. Adding donor ranks purchasable from the server with coins I believe is a big mistake and will cause a massive hit in revenue. If youre desperate for donor ranks, Ask players to donate for goods. Everybodys got a price, Make it worth their while dont take from the servers balance. Last thing we need is the server to die cause nobody helping support it.

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  • Administrators

We have donator scrolls in the donator shop that can be traded between players. The scroll costs 100ep ($10) and gives the one who claims it Guthix rank.

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Yeah i dont like the idea of this, you can buy from other players that are selling which works fine in my opinion. maybe having a boss or way to get that scroll in another way would be a cool idea?

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