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Got Bodied (For Good Reason)

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I am no longer apart of the staff team, and for good reason. I know some of you guys will find this surprising, others may not (lel), however I did something that wasn't meant to come off malicious however if you just looked at it straight on it definitely does.


When we had the bots on the server, they occasionally would drop gold due to the fact they had max gp, and there were plans to remove them however it was not the primary concern at the time of discussion. Prior to the move, in my eyes, players were not able to sell/buy anything nor were new players really able to sell much of anything to anyone without trying to use the GE. So i thought it would be a great idea, somewhat, to slowly pump in gold into the server in a way that wouldn't harm it entirely. I felt like the server was dying, I didn't want that to happen. With people getting upset with little to no changes and nothing to do with their items, most people just login once in a while or just afk like myself. I didn't want to see this continue to happen so I decided to do something in the mean time.I was buying keys and other random misc items from the ge and players to give more incentive for players to continue to play. Now what I was doing to get some of this gold, if you couldn't figure it out already, was teleporting the bots into the wilderness and slaughtering them like cattle to remove their max cash stacks from their inventory, and reduce them from continuously dropping cash in-game, and holding onto it to slowly make it's way in over time.


With the recent merge, we did have more help and more time to get things done and help revitalize the server. One of my suggestions was to give staff the access to logs to help with any issues we may have for the foreseeable future. Now you may think, why would you do that when everyone can now see what you did? I knew I was going to be caught, and honestly, I wanted to be. I rarely play much of the server at the moment, or any to be clear, but I do enjoy my time on here with this community whether it be on discord or in-game.


Was it wrong to abuse my powers? Oh absolutely, and I knew when I saw my rank gone, that I was found out because it was only a matter of time.


I honestly don't entirely regret my decision, however I did lose the trust of those I abused it from and for that I do apologize.


Feel free to flame me if you like, nothing short from the norm tbh.

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Wish I was the one to ban u, would settle our score :)


nice of you to own up to your mistake, the 'punishment' is fair and I think what u did was maybe a really good thing for the server (I can't really tell because I don't play) but adding a few mills to players trying to make the eco bloom a bit is not the worst if u expected it to help.


RIP jerememe

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Wish I was the one to ban u, would settle our score :)


nice of you to own up to your mistake, the 'punishment' is fair and I think what u did was maybe a really good thing for the server (I can't really tell because I don't play) but adding a few mills to players trying to make the eco bloom a bit is not the worst if u expected it to help.


RIP jerememe


Suhh-port I'd do the exact same thing

Edited by Enzyme
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