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James Cole

More t2'able gear for lower-mid levels

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Hi everyone! 

As the title suggest, I would like to see more option for lower level accounts to make some quick money via gems. Instead of grinding the ;;train method. Why not add the barrows brothers gear and the ancient Warrior's equipements? Vesta, Statius, Morrigans and Zuriel's. This will revive the rev's cave, make more poeple willing to go to barrows and also make for an easy low-mid level gem farms.

As of now, you can 'Chance' or T2 certain dragon items, which requires 60 defence. Then you can only chance or T2 God wars Dongeon items. Why not have something in between so the transition to higher bosses is easier for newer players or ironmans etc.

Anyways, I hope this gets considered for a futur update.
Have a good day and thank you for reading !


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I'm not against this, however;

I don't believe losing a chance to upgrade a dragon weapon/armour piece (other than the few pieces you can roll atm, or any piece t60 or below) should reward a Prismatic Gem. 

It's also pretty time consuming for something that won't effect many people at all, Barrows gear pretty much IS the transitioning gear between dragon/gwd.

Edited by Veit
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On 6/12/2022 at 11:21 AM, Veit said:

I'm not against this, however;

I don't believe losing a chance to upgrade a dragon weapon/armour piece (other than the few pieces you can roll atm, or any piece t60 or below) should reward a Prismatic Gem. 

It's also pretty time consuming for something that won't effect many people at all, Barrows gear pretty much IS the transitioning gear between dragon/gwd.

The idea here is to add more than GWD or ::train to farm gems especially for low-mid levels. Having t2 barrows would help some poeple that can not do 'hard' bosses. I am level 138 and I can do harb and most of the bosses so far. I have seen players that are level 126 to 138 that are still grinding the ::train for gems because they are not confident enough to do GWD or does not have a mouse because they are on a laptop or some other reasons. It would open some doors for grinding gems. Even tho they would probably generate one or two gems per piece for the most part (like dragon items or ::train's items). 

It would also make for more challenge in the wild since the pvp gear would be something to go for also. I have been to the revenants cave a few times now... It's dead. There is basically no one there. And that is because there is no use for pvp gear at the moment because what would someone do with degradeable gear that is not even T2'able. I would like to have more option to farm T2s, or gems. 

T60 gear is good enough for gwd I absolutly agree. Also, if the barrows/pvp gear generates prismatic gems, it would be as much time consuming to get these items as it is now in ::train. I think it would be more fun to grind barrows and revenants cave to get gems than to kill a certain npc for a minute than run arround to kill another npc for another minute. It would give more overall loot, such as runes and alchable items, more cash in the end and also makes for ,in my opinion, better content for lower-mid level grinds.

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I vote +1 for this idea. You can get a lot of t1 dragon items and godwars item from mystery boxes and exclusive boxes. but none for barrows. Currently on an ironman, i have multiple dupe items of barrows items that i have nothing i can do for it. Can't even sell it since it'll be less then dragon gear. T2 for barrows and 'PVP gear". Pvp gear can be leveled the same as chaotic, since they both degree, and can be t3 to increase stats. Give more of a reason to grind chaos elemental and revenant caves. 


Maybe   even the chance of upgrading regular dragon weapons? such dds/d long/ dmace/ dragon scimitar. Either way im support of the main idea of BARROWS and PVP gear


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