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DZ suggestions

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Would it be sensible to add a POH portal, a range or eternal fire, ability to do presets at dz, a tanner, and tradeout chins maybe?


These are a few things I had thought might make the DZ a more enjoyable skilling area, obviously we have 2. However, one is really only used and the DZ doesnt get much love it would seem.


Hope to hear back


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  • Administrators

I would love to see the DZ revamped. I don't think it would be much trouble to fix things up a bit and make it a more ideal place to skill.

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  • Developer

In Zarpor there was an iteration of the dz completely contained within this building at lunars. Had magic tree, rocktail fishing, thieving, and some other stuff. I think having a smaller DZ would be beneficial because the close proximity promotes people chillin and stuff, current DZ the few things people go there for are kinda spread out and you just end up afking doing your own thing. 


+1 to all the suggestions but just throwing this one out there, could fit everything we want within 2 floors and have a nice lil community spot.


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