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Fix Battle Royale and Make BR Great Again

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There are quite a few issues with Battle Royale right now. Main issues are as follows:

1. People keep spawning in towers and can't get down. This can be fixed by either:

  • Moving the area to an open area, like miscellania or something
  • Making the tower stairs climbable, both up and down so people can't camp the tower
  • Fix the spawn points so you only spawn on the ground floor and stairs aren't climbable at all

2. Revive options don't always show up. This causes obvious issues in balancing if some squads can revive and others can't

3. Add bots or change the multi logging rules to allow multi logging in this minigame as it is near impossible to get 6 people at once to actually play the game

4. Adjust the point values for the auras. 200 points in a minigame that hardly anyone plays is pretty brutal. That being said, if the game was fixed and/or bots were added to make the minigame farmable, this one may not be necessary.

I think if a lot of these issues were fixed, it could potentially revive the minigame.

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