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easy mate

a few quality of life suggestions

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just a few quality of life suggestions:


1. give us the ability to decant 4 dose potions (full vials) into 6 dose flasks (provided you have the empty potion flasks in your inventory) through the decanter at edgeville.

2. when reclaiming items from diango make the items be noted, currently if you have a stack of something over 28 in diango that does not stack you cannot reclaim it from diango, I currently have this issue with ovl flasks on my main and clue scrolls on my iron man, tbh not sure how to fix the clue scroll one as I don't believe a noted clue scroll exists but yeh, hopefully someone has some ideas about that.

3. I realise this problem probably doesn't affect 50% of players but its still pretty annoying. if your bank has less than 28 space left, you cannot use the back all inventory items even if you do have the space in your bank for the items, for example lets say my bank has 982/1000 items in it, leaving 18 spaces remaining, and I have 7 items in my inventory, it still says there is not enough space in my bank for the items. 

Note: this also happens even if all the items in your inventory have placeholder slots in your bank. you could need no new spaces in your bank and still not be able to deposit your items

4. we currently have a lot of bots sitting around doing nothing, is there a way we could implement these bots into minigames such as battle Royale or pest control to help newer players partake in these mini games that require a certain amount of players to even start them let alone complete them.

Edited by easy mate
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+1 support all, especially the bots one. None of these bots will even flower poker with me that are walking around at ::tele bet, its a sad scam game and makes me sad. Would love to see them be helpful in some part of the game.

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Massive support here, most importantly for the bots. We should 100% have bots running around in minigames for people that just can't find a team or players to do the minigames with them. Would solve a lot of headache for irons/mains going for BR/PC rewards. Same for LMS, would be fun to toss a few bots around for fun.


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totally support all four positions but STRONGLY point 4.


Bots in mini-games is such a necessity seeing how its near impossible to get PC started; BR started.. making attaining those rewards damn near improbable. 


Good job hope to see minimum point 4 implemented asap!

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