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Herblore Achievements Bugged

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I'm currently doing the "Make 250 Super x Potions" and none of the potions are counting towards the achievement. I made a few hundred Super Attack Potions and was wondering why the achievement hadn't popped up. I checked the log for the achievement progress and it doesn't even had 1 potion made registered. I tested out the other 4 super potions and none of them count towards achievement either. 




I have a theory as to why it's bugged. I used the potions NPC in Nardah to made the herbs into unfinished potions, then make the Super potions manually. I think because I did this it's not counting towards making the potions. I did however clean grimy herbs in my inventory, use them on vial, then add the secondary component to make a Super potion from scratch and it still didn't count towards achievement. 


(Edit: I now realized that I made super magic and ranged potions in my inventory instead of the antipoison and restores. But the issue is still present)

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