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Tradeable Vote Tickets

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Username (ingame): Nick


Suggestion (short description): Tradeable vote tickets that you would receive from voting

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): This would be a nice way for new players to start making gp, and would help get the economy moving a little bit, as it's pretty stagnant right now.

Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): The idea is that once you go and vote on the 7 available sites, you receive a redeemable ticket for your vote. Redeeming each ticket would give you 1 vote point and 10 minutes of 1.5x experience (same rewards we currently get). The difference is that these tickets would be tradeable, so if you voted but you have no need for them, you could sell your tickets and get some gp instead. This would be a nice way for new players to make some gp, and get some of the more wealthy players spending some of their gp.

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Ive seen other servers have this, its not bad as long as theres nothing too op in the voting store. i havent visited that store in awhile so I cant think of whats in it atm but you want to make it where rich players can just buy tickets to buy anything they want in the store. Might bring down on voting incentive for the richer players if they can just buy the votes

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Only potential issue I could see with this is the xp lamps in the vote shop. Everything else is just chaotics (which still require 80 dung to equip) infinity sets, robin hood hats and cosmetics.

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I'd like to see this. Nothing is too op in vote shop. May need to discuss exp lamps but that's about it. Tradable vote shop would be nice since it can give a good price estimate for vote shop items too.

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This is great and would make voting on cooldown better, cause sometimes I wait to vote because I don't want to waste the bonus xp.


Removal of the xp lamps is a must as these would be easy to buy loads and splash it on lamps. Shop would need cosmetics and Q.O.L things like looting bags and whatnot.


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