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4-Year Anniversary | All-Time Statistics

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4 Years Online


As of this past week, Ely has officially been online for 4 YEARS. That's a crazy milestone. In sort of a celebration of it, we decided to compile some all-time statistics for you to check out. Pretty interesting stuff!

Mystery Boxes Opened

Regular Mystery Boxes: 78,734
Super Mystery Boxes: 82,744
Cosmetic Mystery Boxes: 46,064
Skilling Mystery Boxes: 5,819
PvM Mystery Boxes: 26,716
Exclusive Mystery Boxes: 28,398
In total: 268,475

NPC Kills

KBD Kills: 219,603
Dagannoth Supreme Kills: 37,005
Dagannoth Rex Kills: 35,964
Dagannoth Prime Kills: 35,895
Graetoriax Kills: 65,887
Saradomin Kills: 68,176
Zamorak Kills: 128,284
Bandos Kills: 163,465
Armadyl Kills: 125,132
Corporeal Beast Kills: 38,886
Soulgazer Kills: 49,945
Glacor Kills: 76,488
Wildy Wyrm Kills: 4,103
Tormented Demon Kills: 20,531
Training Zone Kills: 1,391,006


Items Sold to General Store: 8,185,298,614
Total Gambles: 65,108
Barrows Chest Opened: 34,506
Coffers Opened: 1,151
Clues Completed: 236,464
Caskets Opened: 247,357
LMS Games: 161
Daily Challenges Done: 4,960
Daily Challenges Points Earned: 20,475
Total EP On Accounts RN: 69,497
Total PvM Points On Accounts RN: 38,863,206
Castle War Games: 3,618
Pest Control Games: 8,819
Crystal Chests Opened: 1,445,783
Total Dung Tokens Earned: 453,556,762
Skilling Points Earned: 62,600,260
Referral Points Earned: 1,719,120


Last but not least, account values. Examine values. Here is the top 50 most wealthy accounts by examine values:


ewan Worth: 251,939 Million
Vulrahka Worth: 195,476 Million
Ishan Worth: 170,691 Million
nelly Worth: 122,785 Million
crazy_steve Worth: 101,289 Million
ryster Worth: 95,147 Million
Boats Worth: 87,478 Million
kemi Worth: 64,627 Million
suckatit Worth: 58,084 Million
Xenith Worth: 56,098 Million
Satoshi Worth: 52,739 Million
Sharper Worth: 52,000 Million
P_v_M Worth: 44,999 Million
Owl Worth: 44,484 Million
IdanikI Worth: 44,318 Million
StayKoolin Worth: 43,867 Million
FlexyStacy Worth: 43,208 Million
com_skjold Worth: 40,909 Million
FranticFreak Worth: 37,637 Million
Gravity Worth: 36,886 Million
Pearleem Worth: 36,612 Million
Murder Worth: 36,043 Million
potatocheese Worth: 35,105 Million
ghostdoggie Worth: 35,032 Million
FrankieS732 Worth: 32,792 Million
Mex Worth: 32,212 Million
Kari2 Worth: 30,790 Million
idzy Worth: 30,764 Million
MUNHOZ Worth: 29,538 Million
joel_b Worth: 29,260 Million
Kirahesh Worth: 28,758 Million
Mate Worth: 27,880 Million
Erra Worth: 27,752 Million
Sad_mf Worth: 26,999 Million
Tihlz Worth: 26,554 Million
BOOTYZ Worth: 24,307 Million
dazznazty Worth: 24,091 Million
Pogling Worth: 24,000 Million
Jake Worth: 23,816 Million
Tevins_Out Worth: 22,810 Million
Igor Worth: 22,645 Million
tigertank1 Worth: 22,545 Million
Exhaustion Worth: 22,537 Million
Trammz101 Worth: 22,372 Million
Allcakes Worth: 22,174 Million
IronDec Worth: 21,816 Million
Sin Worth: 21,795 Million
chewe Worth: 21,599 Million
coconut Worth: 21,365 Million
99_pray_plz Worth: 21,204 Million


Hope you all found that as interesting as I did ❤️
And might I add.. I find it very suspicious @Boats is rank #7.. brb checking logs.

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