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Coffer Key Lottery

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The lottery now has the prize of 1 Coffer Key winner per day for those who pay for a ticket. Price for a ticket is currently 2m but can be changed if necessary. I think it would be fair if players can only buy 1 ticket per day so that those with a ton of money can't buy a lot of tickets per day and have an unfair advantage compared to new and less wealthy players. 


A part of my reasoning for this idea is because if players aren't able to donate and vote once a day, it will take them 3.5 days to be able to afford a coffer key from the vote shop. Also, having 1 coffer key winner per day should not effect players from voting for tickets or for those who spend EP to buy coffer keys.


I believe that the winner for the day should be selected at a time where there's the most peak players online each day, whatever time that may be. If the winner is offline at the time but has paid for a ticket, they should have the key deposited into their bank. They will get a chat notification when they log in saying they have won the lottery and the prize has been sent to their bank. 

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This is actually a pretty interesting idea. The prize itself should be limited to the key and not the cash for entry too. There should be a threshold of players met allowing the lottery to go through for that day though, otherwise we'd end up with only a few participants some days. Like a 10 player requirement otherwise it waits until that requirement is met. It could also be that depending on how many players participate, a certain amount of keys is awarded. This would have to be weighted based on how expensive the entry price is.
10 players = 1 key
20 players = 2 keys
30 players = 3 keys etc.

An identifier above the lottery NPCs name for how many players have entered would be a nice UI feature.


ofc, if no one cares about any of what I just said, I support the original idea as is too.

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On 3/8/2022 at 5:32 PM, DevilSkag said:

This is actually a pretty interesting idea. The prize itself should be limited to the key and not the cash for entry too. There should be a threshold of players met allowing the lottery to go through for that day though, otherwise we'd end up with only a few participants some days. Like a 10 player requirement otherwise it waits until that requirement is met. It could also be that depending on how many players participate, a certain amount of keys is awarded. This would have to be weighted based on how expensive the entry price is.
10 players = 1 key
20 players = 2 keys
30 players = 3 keys etc.

An identifier above the lottery NPCs name for how many players have entered would be a nice UI feature.


ofc, if no one cares about any of what I just said, I support the original idea as is too.


I think that's a good incentive for people to participate. Definitely would eliminate the chance for only a couple of people to enter for the day and have a higher chance of winning. Support 🙂

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