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Legend mode benefits

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I know this is going to seem very biased, but please hear me out


Username (ingame): Nick


Suggestion (short description): I am suggesting that we give Legend accounts some type of benefits to encourage people to play on the game mode

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): The goal with this suggestion is to encourage more players to choose to play a Legend account, thus increasing the longevity of the game for them


Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): Possible benefits could include any of the following:

Increased drop rates in PvM

Less Special Attack used per spec (outside of the wilderness)

Increased amounts from Shooting Star/Evil Tree

Double Agility tickets

Free Slayer Task skips

A unique, Legend-only armour set/weapon




As it stands right now, the default gamemode is too quick for some people, leaving you chasing xp goals with no purpose other than achieving 5b exp (which has lead to burnout for a lot of our top players)


If we could get more people to play the Legend gamemode, players wouldn't feel finished with the game so quickly, but the way it is right now, there's no real reason to choose Legend mode unless you hate yourself irl.

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Increased drop rates in PvM - unless marginal, pretty broken..

Less Special Attack used per spec (outside of the wilderness) - could work if like 10% or something

Increased amounts from Shooting Star/Evil Tree - really good idea

Double Agility tickets - cool idea too

Free Slayer Task skips - definite if a daily limit

A unique, Legend-only armour set/weapon - also a really cool idea, no op stats or anything though just exclusiveness

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Increased drop rates in PvM - unless marginal, pretty broken..

My thought was only something like a 5% increase. I've seen servers with like a 20% increase and it's definitely broken


A unique, Legend-only armour set/weapon - also a really cool idea, no op stats or anything though just exclusiveness

For this I imagined something like the Ironman armours they have in RS. Something only Legends would be able to get, that's mainly just helpful at early levels and becomes just a cosmetic type thing at higher levels (outclassed by all other armours)

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Increased drop rates in PvM - if its only something small like 5% then i think thatd be fine, i feel like drops are already pretty common so too much would be crazy


Less Special Attack used per spec (outside of the wilderness) - eh, don't really have that much opinion on this, again, shouldnt be that big but something small would be decent


Increased amounts from Shooting Star/Evil Tree -Yes pls, rn im using the star to get 99 smithing and its taking quite a bit lol


Double Agility tickets - Definitely, would help a ton


Free Slayer Task skips - Don't really see the point in this tbh, you already get a shit load of points I personally don't see the point in buying Slayer xp with the pts since on leg its not that big so I just have a ton of pts sitting there ready to skip tasks and thats it


A unique, Legend-only armour set/weapon - Yeah would be pretty cool to see a Rs ironman style unique armor set for legend

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Bump, can we get some feedback on this - What benefits, if any would be fitting for the Legend game mode. Note that it already has a boosted drop rate.

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Increased drop rates in PvM - legends already have increased drop rate so not sure what to think on this.


Less Special Attack used per spec (outside of the wilderness) - no toughts on this but if it gets added maybe 5 - 10 % less


Increased amounts from Shooting Star/Evil Tree -  this is good idea and i like it


Double Agility tickets - this is also one i can support all my heart, its pain on default mode to get 200m so i cant event think to do 200m on legend


Free Slayer Task skips - on legend mode you get shit tons points coz you need do a lot tasks at the beging so this is ehh.. no toughts.


A unique, Legend-only armour set/weapon - This one i can support some armor what ironmans get at beging of ely that be useful on begging but more you get levels it turns cosmetic.

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I support this, although I would hope most of the benefits would be more skilling oriented since it's supposed to enourage you to play the game mode. The benefits *should* be unique to the mode, and not something you can achieve by just donating. 



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