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fm das


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Welcome to the Ely PvM BINGO Event!


Get ready to pray to RNG’esus! In this event, we will be doing a slayer and or PvM themed BINGO Event. The first 3 players who complete a ‘Bingo’ pattern is declared the winners and will receive the LOOTS! Once you tick off an item or challenge on the list, the Discord server will mark and keep track of your BINGO card with the items/challenges you’ve completed until 3 players have won the game.

These BINGO games will be an ongoing and themed event. Meaning that we will have PvM, Skilling, and other themed games that can be activated at any time by staff via the !bingo’ command in the Announcement section of the Server Discord.


*Each time a Bingo event is started, the cards and challenges will be randomized to fit the given theme, not all card combinations will be the same*





·  Ensure your Discord is linked to your in-game account to receive progress notifications.

·  Players must complete a line with five items/challenges in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row in order to win the LOOT.

·  You must obtain and or complete the specific challenge for the Discord server to recognize and mark your card, similar to the Collection Log

·  Only one account can compete, no one can play multiple accounts at once (Will check IP/MAC addresses to ensure fair play).

·  No use of bugs or any exploits of any kind.

·  Have FUN!



I want to thank everyone once again for reading and potentially competing in this absolute banger of an event, but I would also like to say a Y-HUGE thank you to @Matt, @Will, and @Xenithfor helping me put this one together. In the future, we will for sure have different themed Bingo's, and this can essentially be played whenever the community wants. Rewards and loot are subject to change when ever a new theme is played :)! Best of luck everyone! ❤️


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I have questions on how to compete and complete squares.

1. Do any existing requirements already completed count? (probably not right?) Example would be, if I need a dragon defender but already own one, does that count?

2. Is there a way to check progress of a square? (such as opening the ckey chests. Example showing 20/250 complete?)

3. Can items be bought to count towards finishing a square? Such as buying 250 ckeys?

4. Does the 5 squares in a row with the Ely logo behind them mean something special? Special reward maybe?

5. Can any of the items just be purchased from the donator shop, such as the chaotic weapon/dragon set/armadyl set? Not that I plan on doing that if it's possible, just curious..


More specific questions for the squares:

1. "Any 1 unique" square. Does this only count if it's one of the 3 items in the image or as long as it's any rare item? Does it have to be a drop? Same question applies for the "Any 2 uniques" and "Any 3 uniques"

2. "Any 1 DFS". Does it count if I have a dragon square shield and already own a visage, combine? Do all parts have to be gathered from scratch? 

3. "Any Chaotic". Does this mean to purchase a chaotic weapon? If so, do we simply need the dung points to just buy something?

4. "Dragon Tools". Does this mean we just need to get a single dragon tool as a drop? Can we buy it? Do we need the two dragon tools from the image?

5. "Armadyl Set". Does this include the helm, body, and legs? I assume if so, it wouldn't count as a completion if we got duplicates of a single item like the helm, but not getting the legs? Has to be the full set?

6. "Cannon unlocked". Not sure what this means. Do we just need to own a cannon and set it up somewhere? Do we have to get the cannon from some place?

7. "Dragon set". Do chainbody and dragon helm count? Do they have to be platebody and full helm?



Sorry for all the questions. Just want to make sure I know how to complete squares and what they mean. 🙂


Edited by kutanaga
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1. Do any existing requirements already completed count? (probably not right?) Example would be, if I need a dragon defender but already own one, does that count?

No, you'll need to go back and reacquire each item for the challenge to be completed.

2. Is there a way to check progress of a square? (such as opening the ckey chests. Example showing 20/250 complete?)

Yes, it's in-game in the chat box.

3. Can items be bought to count towards finishing a square? Such as buying 250 ckeys?

Keys are the only exception, you'll still need to loot 250 chests for the challenge to be completed.

4. Does the 5 squares in a row with the Ely logo behind them mean something special? Special reward maybe?

The logo is just an indicator that you've completed that challenge - sort of like an "X" on your typical traditional BINGO card.

5. Can any of the items just be purchased from the donator shop, such as the chaotic weapon/dragon set/armadyl set? Not that I plan on doing that if it's possible, just curious..

You'll need to acquire the items as drops, nothing but Crystal keys can be bought.


More specific questions for the squares:

1. "Any 1 unique" square. Does this only count if it's one of the 3 items in the image or as long as it's any rare item? Does it have to be a drop? Same question applies for the "Any 2 uniques" and "Any 3 uniques"

As long as it's a rare item that you've gotten from a Clue Casket - Ranger boots, Robins, Wizard boots, all 3rd Age will trigger the completion of the challenge. For boss drops/loot - you will need to get 1-3 uniques from that specific boss as drops in order to complete the challenge. Like a Collection Log.

2. "Any 1 DFS". Does it count if I have a dragon square shield and already own a visage, combine? Do all parts have to be gathered from scratch? 

No, as stated above, you'll need to acquire the item again from the boss to complete the challenge.

3. "Any Chaotic". Does this mean to purchase a chaotic weapon? If so, do we simply need the dung points to just buy something?

Yes, all you need is Dungeoneering Tokens then you buy any Chaotic to complete the challenge.

4. "Dragon Tools". Does this mean we just need to get a single dragon tool as a drop? Can we buy it? Do we need the two dragon tools from the image?

You'll need to obtain a Dragon Axe and Pickaxe as a drop to complete the challenge.

5. "Armadyl Set". Does this include the helm, body, and legs? I assume if so, it wouldn't count as a completion if we got duplicates of a single item like the helm, but not getting the legs? Has to be the full set?

It'll need to be the full set in order to trigger the completion of the challenge, any duplicates are nothing more than a minor inconvenience. 

6. "Cannon unlocked". Not sure what this means. Do we just need to own a cannon and set it up somewhere? Do we have to get the cannon from some place?

This was scrapped and replaced - the image in the forum post was just an example to showcase what a completed player's bingo card should look like.

7. "Dragon set". Do chainbody and dragon helm count? Do they have to be platebody and full helm?

D med helm and chainbody won't trigger the completion - it'll need to be the full helmet and platebody.


No worries about the questions, I fully expected these to come and was waiting for the opportunity to make a FAQ. I hope these answer most if not all of your questions, the whole idea of this is to get players into getting items and doing challenges from scratch. Sorta like a weekly/monthly "Achievement Diary" that can be easily changed and reformatted to fit different themes, like skilling etc.

If you lads have any other questions, feel free to drop them below and I will answer 🙂❤️

Edited by fm das
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