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Non Comprehensive Raids Write Up

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Please see below for some bugs I encountered playing raids. It is close, just some things needed:


  1. Vasa teleports you to hellMj35fDd.png
  2. Sometimes second guardian doesn't showGRRxrIH.png
  3. The vanguards are completely wrong. Honestly, they are really annoying in real game, so probably fine with how they are
  4. Vespula also wrong. Always gets cheesed in the main game, so probably okay with keeping as well
  5. You can get the grub room multiple times, I don't think it works that way- could be wrong
  6. Crabs room felt wrong, but I can't put finger on it
  7. Tekton and Vasa defense feels really low, not quantifiable
  8. I think Vasa doesn't move to corners like supposed to
  9. Olm feels way different.
    1. Standard attack and special attack is way too fast- leads to eating simulator
    2. Standard attacks should not do as much damage as they do. I like the idea of the specials being punishing, so those can hit hard, but it's damn near impossible to dodge consistently with how fast they come out and eating from standard attacks.
    3. TLDR above, make attacks slower, standard less damage, more time between specials
    4. Olm claws are only 'supposed' to be 3 times. Currently 4 then head.
    5. It felt like the crystals were hitting even when I dodged. Again, not quantifiable
    6. Lightning felt like it took prayers off for longer than normal. Could be wrong.
    7. Olm attacks through the wall when you're walking in
    8. Don't need to kill claws at same time. Another annoying thing from OSRS so doesn't necessarily need to change
  10. Can smuggle things out with chest, not the biggest deal.
  11. Loot felt really shitty in small sample size (death runes, gold ore, 10 grimy herbs)- could have just been unlucky
  12. If point scale is the same as OSRS, it needs to be changed. Ending raid with 1000 points will lead to extremely extremely rare drops. Damn near 0.


That's all I got from the ~5 raids done. I will update if I find other things. Others feel free to post too if they find problems.


Thanks 🙂




It does feel almost there. Olm and Vasa are the two biggest things. So, nice job boyos


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1.  Kicking from FC doesn't work. Kinda important cause anyone can join your fc and leech rewards Ely (gyazo.com) 

2. Scenario, I made a fc and had 5 others in it but someone from outside of my fc could join because he joined another fc with someone on my team/ Jake joined my FC, i started raids, Jonny was able to enter because he joined Jakes FC even though i was the host.

3 Mutadile room, One of the scavenger runts followed us into mutadile room. After we killed mutadile it wouldn't let us progress because it counter the runt as being part of the room.

4. An overall buff to hp/defence or the way CoX should scale based on number of people in boss rooms in general, they're too weak 

5. Idk if intended or not but toolbelt pickaxe doesn't work with Guardian statues. not a big deal tho

6. If the party leader leaves the raid everyone is immediatly forced out. Could lead to others not being able to loot

7. When olm is dead sometimes his special attacks like lightning or teleport will still go off.

8. Vespula, like boats said it does get cheesed but you're supposed to kill the portal to process not the bug but its w/e.

9. Mutadile room theres supposed to be a meat tree that the mutadiles can heal off of but this is w/e

10. Tekton doesn't walk to his anvil to heal or do special attack

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On 3/2/2022 at 12:34 PM, Matt said:

Made some adjustments & fixes all around. Please confirm what is/isn't fixed and update your posts.

Thank you.

King. Will test

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On 2/28/2022 at 9:36 PM, Boats said:



Please see below for some bugs I encountered playing raids. It is close, just some things needed:


  1. Vasa teleports you to hellMj35fDd.pngFixed
  2. Sometimes second guardian doesn't showGRRxrIH.pngFixed
  3. The vanguards are completely wrong. Honestly, they are really annoying in real game, so probably fine with how they areNot fully right still,  but better and feels good
  4. Vespula also wrong. Always gets cheesed in the main game, so probably okay with keeping as wellsame as before
  5. You can get the grub room multiple times, I don't think it works that way- could be wronggrubs need more points
  6. Crabs room felt wrong, but I can't put finger on itseems fixed
  7. Tekton and Vasa defense feels really low, not quantifiable fixed
  8. I think Vasa doesn't move to corners like supposed to doesnt work as intended
  9. Olm feels way different.olm is way better. attack speed fine, spams specials sometimes. crystals seem to always hit even when i dodge. Claws still broke (8)
    1. Standard attack and special attack is way too fast- leads to eating simulator
    2. Standard attacks should not do as much damage as they do. I like the idea of the specials being punishing, so those can hit hard, but it's damn near impossible to dodge consistently with how fast they come out and eating from standard attacks.
    3. TLDR above, make attacks slower, standard less damage, more time between specials
    4. Olm claws are only 'supposed' to be 3 times. Currently 4 then head.
    5. It felt like the crystals were hitting even when I dodged. Again, not quantifiable
    6. Lightning felt like it took prayers off for longer than normal. Could be wrong.
    7. Olm attacks through the wall when you're walking in
    8. Don't need to kill claws at same time. Another annoying thing from OSRS so doesn't necessarily need to change
  10. Can smuggle things out with chest, not the biggest deal. didnt test
  11. Loot felt really shitty in small sample size (death runes, gold ore, 10 grimy herbs)- could have just been unlucky loot still feels shit ngl
  12. If point scale is the same as OSRS, it needs to be changed. Ending raid with 1000 points will lead to extremely extremely rare drops. Damn near 0. points better. I still don't fully believe your drop rate. but that is ok


That's all I got from the ~5 raids done. I will update if I find other things. Others feel free to post too if they find problems.


Thanks 🙂



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It does feel almost there. Olm and Vasa are the two biggest things. So, nice job boyos



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