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They said it couldn't be done. They said he would never do it. They said he was "washed", a "bad gamer", a "troll". But here we are, on this 19th day of February 2022, and I have emerged. Not as a boy, but as a man. A man with his comp cape. And a man with his dignity. 

I could not do this by myself, though. I didn't have the power. I needed the help of some great people. And when I was at my darkest place, the corporeal beast, they came through. Iso, he sees I need it and he comes running in. Bronze arrows or something, kinda worthless actually, but he was there. Will, heard the gong for help and he arrived- actually stole more kills than he helped with, but there nonetheless. Suckatit, I think he just wanted to kill corp, but uh, he helped. And finally Jake. The Australian. The ambulance guy. The drink too much and hurt his arm guy. He was there. He was fair. And he was there with a prayer. Get boats the comp cape. And he did. He pushed me through those gates.


I completed my kills thinking it was over, the dragon had been slain. But when those kills were done, the message did not ring. There was nothing but wind in the trees, and beasts slain on the ground before me. I check the log for what remains, and my greatest enemy stared right back into my eyes. Dungeoneering. Oh dungeoneering. I had forgotten. He sat there, looming over me like the mountains of lore. I knew there was only one person, one being, that could come from above to help me here. And that man was Gravity. Griv Grav himself. The pker, the wildy owner, the afker, but most importantly- the dungeoneer. So I crawled through the lands of Discordia, scoured the wildy looking for him. The only one who could truly bring me to salvation. And I found him. Stole him away from his mission of ps5, and had him bring me to the promised lands. And he did. He did.

And with his help (and iso was there again but mostly got in the way I think), I did it. I got 120 Dungeoneering. 



And with that, there was nothing left but to walk through those pearly gates into the world of being comped. 



Thank you for reading, and thank you for being along for this journey. 





Very Special thanks to Kari, the OG. Would probably have quit way before if not for him

Josh and Brian because I love them

Nell eh, just a good guy

Sonofares PK, also just a good guy

Xenith, also just a good guy

Lation for making a not shit server

Matt for coding the not shit server

Splash for making cool things on the not shit server

And Dec for being new to the server






Edited by Boats
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One of the greatest underdog stories of all time. Definitely deserves that vet rank for completing the game, but if that's too optimistic, maybe just start him off as an admin. Huge gz, thanks for behind my favorite water-based vehicle on the server. Also welcome Dec

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  • Administrators

That was a heartwarming story, thank you for sharing with us all on Ely RSPS.
I always knew you had it in you, Boats. I had high hopes for you and you did not disappoint, you went out and you did it. You did it, and I knew you could. I am so proud of you, Boats.
Thank you for the special mention, I'm glad I kept you going here.

p.s boats4vet

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Who knew huh!

As time progressed from day dot on Ely one thing was for sure. This thing that floats on water could make the whole server laugh or cry within 2 minutes of logging in… BUT posed absolutely no threat to anyone.

HOWEVER! TODAY. Today my fellow elopians, what we know to be true has been oh so false! TODAY one of our greatest, deepest fears has come to life.

This unsuspecting vessel of utter toxicity has unleashed chaos amongst its rise to glory.

Its name…

boats ❤️

well done dearest Y AT, I feel like a proud older brother. Now can you make the most toxic cape design plox 

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