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RAIDS & COMP T when?

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The server is in desperate need of some new content! Something with substance though, not just a copy and pasted osrs boss or armour in boxes.

I know myself and a fair few others want to see new content locked behind ingame walls (quests, achievements etc.) Although with all this in mind we know its not an easy feat by any shot. That being said; if the staff team ever need help. WE the community are always available. WE the community afterall are the ones that reap the rewards and enjoyment of playing the game.

Please let the community help eachother in making Ely the best possible version of itself!


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On 2/11/2022 at 8:40 PM, ewan said:

Some Want new content but still got 35% collection log completed don’t makes sense to me, I’ll get hate for always stating facts!

What's the point of doing the collection log/achievements if there is no comp (t) or rewards in Ely? Kinda pointless.

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On 2/15/2022 at 10:21 PM, ewan said:

tbh comp (t) would probably takes years to get. unless they make it easy to obtain in Ely


Not if you remove some RNG based reqs, you throw the quests in, maybe 1/2k ckeys, achievements, à certain amount of vote/challenges done and others things 

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On 2/16/2022 at 3:07 PM, Matt said:

There is no point in adding a comp(t) as very few people are even remotely close to full completion. We will likely add it when it's needed but for now it'd a complete waste of time.



I understand where you are coming from with the completion side of things.@Matt @ewan

However that is completely the development team's own fault. You cannot expect people to grind hundreds of hours of content in "HOPE" of a reward...

Look, If achievements had their own specific rewards, like (woodcutting achievements giving lumberjack gear) or (farming achievements giving Magic Secateurs) likewise (Fishing and cooking achievements giving shark gloves and cooking gauntlets) etc... then players would be more inclined to participate in grinding this content, therefore meaning completion rate's would be much higher. Instead, Basically all content ingame is unlocked through stores. Which; believe you me gets EXTREMELY boring! And if you're an absolute nerd like me, then you end up having either 50x of each item or 500k Points leftover in the shop...

All of that being said, Clearly the long term the goal is ofcourse Completionist Cape (Trimmed), BUT! If its player ingagement you wish to achieve, then players need the instant reward from completeing the achievements. Which means either creating new rewards or moving exsisting shop items into an unlockable achievement reward system.

In terms of Raids and other new content, that can always come later, Its better those forms of content aren't rushed just for the sake of a release date; rather perfected so its an enjoyable experience for the players. Not to mention, new requirements can always be added to the Completionist Cape & Completionist Cape T list's at a later date.


I'll be free for testing over the next coming days, so please if you need any extra raid help @Matt Just HOLA at me!



Edited by Jake
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On 2/12/2022 at 12:40 PM, ewan said:

Some Want new content but still got 35% collection log completed don’t makes sense to me, I’ll get hate for always stating facts!

Some also dont have $1000 + donor and increased drop rates, let alone the time to grind out a collection log... After all, all that shows is your ability to grind a boss for hours on end... 

NO HATE btw. ILY @ewan

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