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Hello Again

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Ely Fam,

Good morning everyone. A lot of things have been going on in my life recently, in all aspects of it. I'm deploying soon, I've had family members die, and I want to start working on a degree. While all of this has kept me busy, it's finally reached a place where it's manageable. I've had time to think about other, smaller (but not less-important) things. Today as I woke up, I thought about you guys. The playerbase, the staff, the owner. I realized that, on a large scale level, I never apologized to all of you as a whole. I never said I was sorry for degrading the integrity of this amazing server, for ruining the trust I had gained from my friends, the staff, and Lation. I never even thought to tell anyone who supported me on my way to the top of the highscores that I was sorry for letting them down, and for doing it illegitimately.

Before you all stop reading and start scrolling down to leave a nasty comment, a meme about me getting banned, or otherwise: I'm not asking to play again. I know that chance (and the second one) has come and gone. I understand that, and it makes me sad, but I get it. You have to maintain an honest server when you have something this great, and allowing me to come back anytime soon would be a detriment to that. I think about trying to pick up another RSPS all the time, but I know it will never be the same as the one I started on, back in April of 2016. The one I watched change and grow, rise and fall, and rise again, into what it is today. I know most of you don't have any fond memories of me, whether it be that you are a new player and don't know me, or you've been around for awhile and my actions have made it hard to recall anything good about me. I know that nothing good is discussed if and when my name comes up. For that, once again, I'm sorry, because that is another thing that contributes to whether someone new or old to Ely enjoys their experience: the conversations they have.

Anyways, thank you all for reading this, if you made it this far. I ask that any responses to this, if there are any, remain mature and hate-free. I miss you guys, and I hope that my ban is enough to quash any hard feelings between you guys and me. I will be rejoining the Discord in a bit and hope to remain there as someone who will benefit the server, even if I'm not playing. If you guys ever have any questions about the server, need to know where something might be found in the code, anything, I'm always open to respond to messages. I have already gotten a few in the months since I was banned, asking for exactly that: help.



Hoping you all are well,



TL;DR: there isn't one. I've wanted to get all of this off my chest for awhile now, so here it is.

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Hey what a nice surprise and on Thanksgiving morning! :D

Honestly despite the negativity around your name we talk about you civilly from time to time.

Very much appreciate this post, and again how much more fitting on Thanksgiving!

I hope all is going well with you and you have a good time today.

Where are you getting deployment too?


Nice to hear from you tho, bro.

I know I've messaged you amongst your time gone to ask a question or two myself haha

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@Lation I’m going to the Baltic Sea most likely, countries like Norway, Ukraine, etc. I can’t seem to join the discord, I must be banned from it lol. Anyways, hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving.

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Hey happy to here from you Kyle and sorry for your loss. I know you understand you can't come back to ely. However not many of the ely fam play them and alot of players from ely that played when you where around aren't really around anymore. Alot of new faces on ely. But it is nice to see you posting on forums.

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  • Owner
@Lation I’m going to the Baltic Sea most likely, countries like Norway, Ukraine, etc. I can’t seem to join the discord, I must be banned from it lol. Anyways, hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving.


Ah interesting; and yeah you were it's since been lifted. No harm in having you on the Discord/Forums so hop in

Thankss I deff had a great thankgiving, tons of work (was at our place) but a great time. Hope the same for you

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