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Fiery divine shield dosen't work properly - Part 2 with more details

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Creating a more detailed post here. So i reported earlier that fiery divine dosent work propely - so i made a comparison between fiery and regular divine spirit shield. 



Let start with regular divine:




Vid to kill with regular divine: 


Screenshots from spec:


This is how it should work.


Now over to Fiery Divine Spirit shield.



Vid to kill: 


As you can se in the video the specs changes from 45 - 60 - 45 - 60 everytime.


image.png.3d320b6ab4fdd609706add51b3c8b6bf.png image.png.de2904ac761e9182106711984b9beaa2.png


Comment - i forgot the dds and veng-runes on both kills. Sorry for that!

Even though it hitted 45's regulary when you tested its still wrong and should be 42.

Edited by com_skjold
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Additional comment:

Prayer-points aint drained from the fiery-one either.

When harb specs on you with normal divine, it drains 10 prayer points as well. On normal divine it dosen't drain any prayer-points at all.

This can be seen in the video-clips

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