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Making Crystal Key and Parts Stackable

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Username (ingame): FrankieS732


Suggestion (short description): Making crystal keys and parts stackable in the invt for players


Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): this will make it so that you don't have to run to the bank as often and you can carry more items during a pvm session making the gameplay longer and less teleing back and forth to store/open/sell the keys.


Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): I think the ability to stack crystal keys would be a really cool addition to the game. This gives the ability to have longer PVM or farming sessions. I realize the patron benefit of being able to pick up keys might give patrons a lot more advantage over non patron players. The rewards from the crystal chests are decent and a patron could farm a couple hundred pretty quickly if there's no limit and devalue them or gain a lot of money from the chest. I might have a solution for that: by making the keys and parts stackable only up to 10 in inventory, so maximum of 20 keys at once in the inventory including the two parts while taking up 3 inventory spaces. So players still will have to bank but not as often.

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