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fm das

Speed PVM Tournament - $200+ in Scroll LOOT! *Announcement!*

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Welcome to the Ely Speed PVM Tournament! 


We are releasing the announcement of this event so players will have a full 7 days of preparation until the event starts. STOCK UP ON THEM SLAYER POINTS!!

In this tournament, you will be able to show off your skills and RNG with a preset setup of gear at the chosen bosses, top 2 fastest kill times take home the lootations for each designated boss. You will have 5 attempts for each boss to secure your fastest time (This can be monitored via kc, which must be shown at the start and end of the boss via the in-game console ~)


This event is designed for mid  to end game ironmen and regular players. In order to enter the tournament, you will need to be recording each interaction with the bosses, before and after as shown in the video example. Once recorded, we ask you to please upload the RAW, UNEDITED video to YouTube as an unlisted video and then send it to us, @Satoshi, @GIM Opoxi, @Lation via Discord. We will have a leaderboard system located at the bottom of this thread showcasing the fastest times, so players will know who is currently in the lead for each of the bosses. These will be updated ONCE per day. Please note, you do not have to participate in EVERY boss on the tier list.


STARTING DATE = 12/13/2021

DEADLINE = 12/19/2021




  1. Player must be recording at all times, completely raw, unedited videos uploaded to YouTube and sent to @Satoshi/@GIM Opoxi/@Lation via discord for review.
  2. Player uses the EXACT setup shown below, same inventory, same familiar. IF it doesn't match, you will be disqualified.
  3. Player can be ON TASK for each of the bosses, or off task if you're a chad, but use a helm of neitznot.
  4. No Cannons/DWH/BGS/use of any defense stat reducing items.
  5. Only 1 submission per account/ip/mac address for each of the bosses.
  6. No use of bugs, exploits, safespots, if caught you will be disqualified and fed to rats.




 The Geart:

(Everything must be 1:1 as shown in the video example. Any deviations will result in disqualification.)




Full Slayer helmet/Helm of neitznot ( Off task - not recommended. Players who choose to use neitz helm for their submission receive 10% more lootations.)

Amulet of fury (t2)

Fighter's torso

Dragonfire shield

Chaotic Rapier (t3)

Bandos tassets (t2)

Steadfast boots (t2)

Barrows gloves

Tokhaar-kal/Bone Cape

Berserker ring (i)(t2)

Zamorakian Spear (t2) *Corp only*

Spectral spirit shield *Cerberus only* (t2 not allowed)

Divine spirit shield *Harb only* (t2 not allowed)


x1 Overload flask

x1 Prayer renewal flask

x1 Recover special flask

x1 Summoning potion flask (not required for harb/cerb/corp/vorkath, can be swapped for super restore)

x2 Saradomin brew flask (x9 for harb)

x2 Super restore flask (x3 for harb)

x15 Rocktail

x1 Dragon dagger (p++)

x400 Astral rune (venges are allowed, bring runes even if you have the donor perk.)

x200 Death rune

x1000 Earth rune

x100 Steel of legends scroll (Steel titan spec)



As stated before, these will be periodically updated once per day until tournament ends.



*If you have any questions about anything mentioned above, do not hesitate to DM me on Discord or simply reply here and I will answer your question(s).*
I want to thank every player for reading and potentially participating in my first ever server hosted event, it brings me full of joy and I can't wait to see THOSE TIMES! That being said, we will have another event RIGHT after the closing of this one, announced on 12/20/21. JUST incase you missed out on taking a slot up on the hiscores above ^ 🙂 Merry Christmas Ely, and a happy New Year is indeed upon us :D!



Edited by fm das
Updated hiscores :)
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