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Patch Notes LXXXI (#81) Major NPC & Magic Overhaul

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This won't read or appear like a normal update post. This is more a description of what we've done as it's less of a list and more of a.. description. As everyone is aware, we are currently working on Chambers of Xeric. During our development of CoX we've noticed some thing that just are not correct. This included basically every NPC & how their stat bonuses work when fighting a player & our Magic skill & spellbooks were not correct & hardly completed.

On this latest update, basically every NPC (that exists in OSRS) on Ely has been updated. Previously their stat bonuses were not correctly being used and therefore were not truly accurate. What we've done is scrape the entire OSRS Wiki and apply all the accurate & correct figures, stats, immunities, etc to the NPC's. Now, all the NPC's we have on Ely (that also exist currently in OSRS) have correct stat bonuses & are calculated more accurately than before. This is a huge change, and could have unintended consequences. When you go into fights you may notice a change in how hard, how often, or not an NPC hits you. Keep in mind, this is how it is supposed to be, as all the values are pulled directly from OSRS's Wiki. BUT, if something appears way off - i.e: you get one hit, or an NPC has become unreasonably too easy, we ask you fill out a bug report. We may need to do some re-balancing, or not. We are unsure as the only way to really get this tested properly is to send it to the live server.

The magic skill & therefore nearly all the spellbooks have been completely redone. Spells are now calculated properly, as they should be & many previous spells that did not work, should now work. This mostly applies to the normal spellbook. However, we did not complete Telegrab specifically, for a couple reasons but will be completed & live soon.

Overall, we've completely re-done some major foundational parts of the server - things that should've been done previously but were never realized until we began the development on CoX and found these irregularities. It should be very exciting, as we continue to improve & make Ely more accurate than any 718 has ever accomplished. We've consistently been the 1st 718 to accomplish many, many things. We will continue improving and making Ely the only 718 someone should play when looking for one. We have consistently set the bar higher & higher for 718's overall, and with these latest changes, we continue to raise the bar.

We hope you are excited about these changes as combat overall & NPC stat bonuses are now more accurate & realistic (to the original) than ever before. If you come across any irregularities, please report them here as usual. Thank you!

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