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Rc By Night

Ease of Use Suggestion

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Username (ingame): Rc By Night


Suggestion (short description): If possible, add in one of the tabs where the locations of Evil Tree and Shooting Star are so they can be checked at all times


Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): A lot of the times I want to try and mine Shooting Star for the rewards of rune ore, but I may have logged in after the announcement was made and if nobody knows where the star is then it's pretty much lost. The same goes for Evil tree, although I don't use that minigame really.


Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): It would just be nice to be able to check no matter what time you are on the server where the D&D is. Or could I check this location in the console if it would be easier? Please let me know if I'm missing something and I can actually find the info somewhere, other than just from the announcement.





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