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Murder Only

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So Everybody,


After finishing my regular ironman (and working on dung on my legend for forever) I wanted to start a new account with stricter rules. I thought about doing an UIM (I still might do one too) but what i finally decided on was a "Murder Only" account. It will be a HIM, so all standard rules there apply. Additionally:



  • Everything obtained on the account must be from a monster drop
  • All shops banned* (see exceptions)
  • All starting equipment dropped
  • Mining, Fishing, Woodcutting, Farming, Hunting, Thieving, and Dungeoneering banned
  • All crystal keys banned
  • Minigame rewards banned* (see exceptions)
  • Clue rewards banned
  • Selling to stores banned (edit 10/9/2018)
  • Alching banned (edit 10/9/2018)
  • Achievement rewards banned (edit 10/9/2018)



  • Dragon Fire Shield can be bought
  • Pouches and shards can be bought
  • Barrows chest will be considered a drop
  • Agility will be allowed for shortcuts
  • All toolbelt items can be bought
  • Any items required for slayer can be bought, but nothing else (cannon banned)
  • Slayer helm unlock, task skip, and task ban are allowed
  • Hide tanning allowed
  • Purchasing a house, plank making allowed
  • Ava's Device can be bought
  • Fire cape allowed
  • Defenders allowed (armour used for points cannot be purchased)
  • Vials of water can be purchased (edit 10/9/2018)
  • Skillcapes can be purchased (edit 10/10/2018)

Goals (not in perfect order):


  • Dragon weapon/rune armour
  • Barrows gear
  • Completed slayer outfit: Full Slayer Helm, whip wine, dark bow, staff of light, Hexhunter
  • Max combat level
  • 99 in all allowed skills
  • Other stuff tbd


Other information and rules will be added as they come up, if you think of anything please add it.


Add me ingame at "MurderSunday"


I will be updating this thread fairly regularly as I hit certain checkpoints


Thanks guys!!

Edited by MrSunday
added sale, alch, vial of water, achiev. rules
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So this was supposed to be the first Update for the account, but Im bad and died. So im gonna restart as a regular Ironman. …if some really nice admin wanted to delete the MurderSunday account so that I can reuse the name that would be amazing though =D


Atleast I know now best routes for starting this type of account *shrug*


First Update:

I started with killing lations in edgeville. This gave me some starting runes, some herbs, and most importantly an iron dagger and bronze helm. (43 Lations and 43 Matts murdered)


I then went on my merry way down to lumbridge, where I killed chickens for their feathers (fletching later), bones, and raw chicken. I stayed here until 43 prayer. I am sure I will need to return here for feathers in the future. (74 murdered)


Before I started slayer, I knew I needed to upgrade my setup. I got a steel dagger and hardleather body from kalphite workers (12 murdered)


I was lucky enough to get hill giants for my first slayer task. I realized that 43 prayer doesn’t really matter if I don’t have any way to restore prayer points. Anyway, HUGE upgrade at hill giants. Got a rune spear, iron full helm, and my first coin drop.


Off to do more slayer. We got an addy sq. shield from pyrefiends, finished another 7 tasks with no more interesting drops.


Off to go get that brine sabre. I use my first exception to buy a spade. I did check both the chaos tunnels and the abandoned mine for the enchanted spades but they weren’t in the tunnels and I couldn’t get to them near tarn’s lair. It didn’t take that long, and now I have my favorite animation bugged weapon (you attack like unarmed). Brine rats will be my main source of cooking xp, so I’m going to coming back here for awhile (101 murdered)


Got my first flax drop from TzHaar-Hur while slaying, I can finally start crafting!


Hellhounds are surprising difficult. I have found that I can only kill one per full heal. I found it was taking too long, and I need to get some prayer boosting equipment. So I ran off to the Lumbridge Catacombs to kill me some corpse archers for the Holy Symbol (20 murdered). With the +8 prayer bonus, my prayer now lasts significantly longer, and I’m able to kill 2 per trip now, but the kills are still super slow.


To try to speed up kills I went for a dragon dagger drop from green dragons. Andddddddddd died. RIP account.


So RIP 8 hours. I will begin again

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Decided to do the first update after i got the whip. tldr; 13 hrs 28 minutes; 1049 Murders, got a whip.



Lumby catacombs – corpse archers for Holy symbol

Edgeville – Lations, Iron Knife

Lumbridge – Chickens, Bones, Feathers, Raw Chickens

Kalphite Cave – Kalphite Workers, Rune Spear

Slayer, get to lvl 47 for brine rats.

Brine rats (used exception to buy spade, not available as a drop from anyone), Brine Sabre

Collect pieces of mithril plate

Go to warriors guild, get dragon defender

Slayer time again, going for 85.

70 agility for blue drags and slayer tower

Got a harpie bug swarm task, used exception to buy bug lamp. Need a tinderbox to light, farmed from zombies in padd.

Exception for mirror shield, got a dhelm and addy plate body and legs from basilisks.

Exception for insulated boots.

Got a dragon dagger from green dragons (and pet)

Exception for witchwood icon, got black mask

Got a knife from ogres

Neitz helm from yaks

99 strength and 85 slayer from Kalphites, now its off to abby demons.

Exception for strength cape

Got a dscim from abby demons! But that’s not really why I’m there.

Whip!!! got it.

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Second update for SundayMurder =p, and also @Lation, nty, im just gonna keep this account going strong.


tldr; 26 Hours 58 Minutes, 2264 Murders, 99 Slayer




Starting off this update with another exception for the anti-dragon shield, black dragons are just destroying me with only pray mage. I did get a dragon battleaxe off them, who’s spec im going to be using on slayer monsters where acc isn’t an issue.


Forgot that spiritual mages droped antipoison! This will help with things like kbd and zammy way down the line. Also got that dboot drop!!


Exception for purchase of chisel, nothing drops it.


91 slayer. Time to hunt for the whip vine, which I ended up getting super lucky on the 4th kill.


Want to continue slayer, got my first darkbeast task! These are going to be the meta for herbs for 99. But the best place is in kuradel’s dung, and I need agility to make it efficient.


Got 90 agility for kuradel shortcuts


Got a dustdevil task, forgot I need to use a facemask, and that prompted me to get 55 crafting for slayer helm.


Used exception to buy glassblowing pipe, nothing drops. Luckily I had enough molten glass and uncuts in my bank for 56 crafting with no additional work! =)


Used exception for spiny helmet, facemask, earmuffs, and nosepeg. Got the slayer helm!


Going to be using metal dragons to 70 smithing (and then aviansies after that obvi). But I need a hammer, so off to black guard members! Jk. Theyre all null. Off to bandit looters! Jk theyre all null. Im dumb. Rego dwarfs drop them too and aren’t null. Time to run back from fally.


Okay while im working on other skills, I need to get both a regular shortbow and thread, so off to corpse mages.


Metal dragons are bae for pre-70 smithing and fletching.


And finally, after too long. 99 slayer! At one of my favorite mobs, living rock creatures. Next up is gathering secondaries for 99 summoning.

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Just a quick idea I had that might be cool might not be but in order to use your agility shortcuts, instead of just getting the level, you have to “murder” X amount of something. For example before you can use the taverly pipe shortcut you have to kill 50 blue dragons. Something like that just to fit more with the “combat only” theme. Idk

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