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System to exchange multiple "Lucky" items

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Username (ingame): DropsRS

Suggestion (short description): Add a shop that allows you to exchange the "Lucky" items that you get from mystery boxes and crystal chests.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): I find it very frustrating when i have gotten multiples of lucky items simply because there is absolutely no use for them. It would be nice to see a shop implemented that exchanges the items based on the value of the regular item. For example, If i get a Lucky Elysian Spirit Shield then i should be able to exchange that for lets say 250 tickets or something and each ticket should be worth 1m. If anyone has any better implementations for a system like this feel free to comment below.

Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): Explained above.

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I wouldn't mind them having a gp equivalent or if you have to trade in multiple items for another item.


The thing about it though is once someone has everything they want then what'll you do? o-o.


the argument to that though is that someone has to donate to get m boxes or sof tickets(for the most part) so it would bring more money to the server and allow for more updates and content. plus what good are those lucky items just sitting in a bank anyways.

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Im pretty sure you can alch these but apart from that i dont believe they should be exchangeable/tradable. Since the original intention for these items on runescape was to hand out super op items for people buying micro transactions I believe they should just stay the same

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