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Increased Bank Space

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Username: Trait

Suggestion: increased bank space

Why: to allow the storage of more items

Details: an increase in bank space would be awesome as there'd be people like me who love to collect items and an increase would allow us to store more and not have to be constantly cleaning our banks, cheers

Edited by trait
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I have 2 accounts now that are full of things like resources/drops/placeholder spots that take up my entire bank, I cant deposit all of my inventory through the deposit inv button due to my bank being full however for some reason I can still deposit worn equipment via the button and deposit items from my inventory via right click depositing. I've previously posted a bug report for that here

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This is something I've brought up before, just not on here, and I completely agree.


I think there's something wrong with it not being able to increase it. I've seen it to where you can but you can't add it into the interface or something. i forgot. i had talked to matt about it

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