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Forum Event(s)

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Username (ingame): Nanda

Suggestion (short description): A random forum event each week for small rewards.

Why (explain what this will benefit, and how): Increasing activity on the forum will also attract more people and hopefully increase website usage and analytics for a boost in popularity.

Details (a more thorough explanation of the above): It could be a simple design contest, screenshot contest (sort of like a clue where a Moderator takes a photo and players try to guess it), best creativity, etc. The list could be endless in regards to this.


For a more personal note on the matter... I used to develop, manage, and do customer support a WoW private server for about two years. Forum activity, I would say, is key to attracting new players. Bringing attention to the forums is a must to show how the community itself is active not only in game but also outside of game.

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  • Owner

I approve this idea however would need someone to run this.

@ Forum Mods, if you would like to organize & manage something like this I'd gladly put it all in your hands. However just come to me for reward discussion/etc and I'll just handle that portion of it?

@ me in #stafff-discussion if something you guys would like to do.

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