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GIM Opoxi

Some suggestions

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Would it be possible to add some new content, I know you're more focused on QoL updates at the moment which I appreciate. 

For example Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of blood/The Gauntlet.

I feel as if this would attract new players, add new items into the game and spruce things up.

I know this has been suggested before (and accepted) but never really took off, But the benefits would be worth it.

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raids are planned sometime after all of these bug fixes and QOL updates, and splash has at least shown interest in the gauntlet but as far as I know it is not currently planned. Emails are sent periodically to the playerbase for bigger updates and the current plans are stated there.

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DevilSkag covered it well, raids are currently in the plans and as mentioned in an email sent recently, we are fixing every single bug report, then putting some time & focus onto forgotten skills such as Farming & Construction, and upon completion of that, we are going to spearhead Raids! 🙂

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4 hours ago, Lation said:

DevilSkag covered it well, raids are currently in the plans and as mentioned in an email sent recently, we are fixing every single bug report, then putting some time & focus onto forgotten skills such as Farming & Construction, and upon completion of that, we are going to spearhead Raids! 🙂


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