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Dungeoneering Puzzles & Potions Guide

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Here are some of the puzzles i have bumped into, will edite the post later if there is any new ones.




Herbs & Cleaning level






Weak Potions




Medium Potions



Strong Potions












Sliding Tile Puzzle


The player must click the proper tile to move it into the empty space, eventually creating the image above. In a group, it is best for only one player to solve the puzzle while the others run to a door. Any player attempting to move an incorrect tile or moving the same tile after the first member will suffer damage. Damage may still be taken from incorrectly moving the tiles even if the puzzle is completed.




So far the tiles rotate weirdly so if you cant move any of the tiles anymore try to open the doors


Sliding Statues Puzzle


The southern groups of statues can be pushed with a left click and pulled with a right click. The statues must be matched with the northern groups to unlock the door.




Levers Puzzle


The puzzle consists of 5 levers, each with a "Pull Switch" left-click option. Players need to pull all of them in the shortest time before a trap is triggered and levers reset, releasing gas harming the players in the room. The larger the team is, the less time there is before the gas is released.






Flip Tiles Puzzle


In the centre of the room is an overall grid of 5x5 tiles consisting of two different colours. The tiles have a Runecrafting level requirement. When right-clicked, tiles give 2 options:

"Imbue" - flips the imbued tile and any other tiles to the north/east/south/west of the imbued tile.

"Force" - flips only the tile itself, but the player receives damage. It can be reduced with an Artisan or Gatherer ring.




You have to turn all the tiles into ''green'' tiles. Easiest way is to flip most of the tiles green and the remaining few you can force. Take note that forcing the tiles will damage you.


Monolith Puzzle


This room contains a monolith with unstable energy. It needs to be protected from the Mysterious shades.




If the shades start hitting the monolith it will power down or reduce its charging. Player must kill the shades fast.


Crystal Puzzle


This room contains four lodestones: one red, one yellow, one green, and one blue. One or more may already be active. The inactive ones will require varying Magic levels to power up. This room also contains a large crystal, 4 lights continually moving towards the crystal and 4 pressure pads.




To solve this puzzle, you must stop all 4 lights on the large crystal. If you step onto one of the 4 pressure pads, the corresponding light will stop moving until you step off, this includes if it is in the crystal. Once you step off the pad it will start moving again.

Remember to activate all the crystals on the corner of the room.



Toxin Maze Puzzle


A maze with long, tight corridors blocked by magical doors in which the player must reach the centre before poison gas kills them. However before you run trought the barriers remember to start the puzzle by pulling the lever near the enterance!







Fishing Ferret Puzzle


A ferret is on an island surrounded by water with a fishing spot in it. Players must catch and cook vile fish on the provided fire. Players then must throw the cooked fish onto tiles in the island, leading the ferret to the pressure plate and avoiding holes. 






Fremennik Camp Puzzle


This is very simple, Player must smith weapons by clicking the crate, cook fish by clicking the crate, Fletch bows by clicking the crate. After making all the tasks you can open the doors.






Return The Flow Puzzle


This room contains four pillars, a central fountain, and some debris blocking the liquid's path (sometimes there are no debris on the path of the flow). Player must fix the broken pillars.




There is a chance of failure to fix the pillar, in which case the red liquid will burn the player's hand and cause damage.



Poltergeist Puzzle


The room contains a sarcophagus with four censers around it and a ghost walking around it. There is a farming patch with several different herbs that must be used to open the sarcophagus and unlock the door.

Read the inscription on the sarcophagus. The inscription will give you a clue that will tell you which of the herbs in the available patch to pick (Corianger, Explosemary, Parslay, Cardamaim, Papreaper, or Slaughtercress). If you pick the wrong herb, you will take damage. After picking the right herb, clean it and use it on censer, light it up with & open sarcophagus




Note: Be careful of what you pick,. You can pick a total of 4 herbs from the patch before it disappears. If you fail to pick the right herbs you cant do the room, causing you to restart or not progress further.


Unhappy Ghost Puzzle


An antique ring is on the ground and needs to be returned to the jewellery box. A broken pot (along the sides of the room) and a damaged pillar require repairing, requiring the same Construction level to repair each. Unlock the coffin (requires thieving) and bless the remains of the coffin (requires prayer). After completing all you can proceed forward.






Coloured Recess Puzzle


These rooms contains 4 coloured recesses; a green, purple, blue and yellow one. One of the walls contains vials. There are 4 blocks scattered across the room. Push or pull all 4 blocks onto a coloured recess & use the colored vial on the obelisk. Make sure the obelisk is the same colour as the recess its standing on.






Flowered Roots Puzzle


The room contains a big flower which requires Farming Skill to uproot (sometimes this may require farming level of 100-104 & can be achieved with a Naturalist potion).

The vine roots growing from the big flower have smaller flowers which need to be chopped away using the Woodcutting skill (Make sure you are chopping the same colored flower as the uproot). This will clear a path to the big flower. If the player tries to chop a wrong colored flower, it will damage you.  Alot of patience with this one.




Sometimes the player refuses to chop the flower (May be a bug). Proceed on another flower if that happens.



If there is Puzzles that i havent discovered yet, please feel free to take a screnshot or gif & send it to me on discord so i can add it here. Thank you every dev that worked on this dungeoneering!



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7 hours ago, Goddess said:

Thank you for using RS Wiki and copy/pasting all the information from there into this thread.

yes its quick made what do u expect me to write all down? This is made so people can just type quickly the topic number and easily search what they need to know instead of raging in the chat that it doesnt work becaus they dont know how to do them.. So if youd like to shit on me on anything i do, good on you enjoy it.

Edited by Chimpamzee
you emptied your bank, now ::empty you forum acc
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