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Fight Kiln/Achivement

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As i'm writing this I have done kiln a total of 8 times today on 4 different accounts all under 30 minutes, Not one has been ticked off and yes i am using a timer.

Sometimes the crystals do not spawn on the waves they are supposed to. I believe this happens if you are too far away from the spawn point when it happens but i'm not sure.

Sometimes the arena doesn't transition when going from wave 10 to 11 and 20 to 21. Hasn't happened to me going from wave 30 to 31. I believe this also happens if you aren't near the center when it transitions but i'm not sure.

If you use a magic crystal at any point in kiln, it will boost you indefinatly until you either fail or beat kiln.

Sometimes Har-Aken likes to no-clip through the floor at the end, doesnt really affect anything just looks weird. https://gyazo.com/ed1f63e83bc08392500d9f96bbcb5336

If at any point you hold spacebar or accidentally click anywhere during the final cutscence before you fight Har-Aken it will glitch out forever and never proceed to the fight. Only way to fix this is by logging in and out. 

If you're using a divine and pop and invuln crystal, you still take no damage but it will drain your prayer as if you are taking damage.

Also i'm not sure if any bonus was added into this minigame as far as bonus minigame rewards go but you only get 1 cape if you do complete it, but you do get the bone cape if you're the lucky person and only if.

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Timer was starting as soon as you entered the cave and ran continuously logged in or not. I've moved the timer to wave 1, based it off playtime counter, and can confirm it is working. Will look further into kiln improvements in the future. Thanks for the input.

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