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Patch Notes XX

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There has been some awesome changes to the Gambling scene which are as follows:


When gambling, and another player either DC's or X logs out, the bet will still be completed..

For example, if you're dicing or FP-ing or playing Hot & Cold, and either the opponent or yourself decides they can't watch, DC's, or just logs out to try to nullify the bet; that will not work!

The bet will continue, and the server will "play out your hand" so either plant your remaining flowers, roll your dice, or call your Hot or Cold for you; all while you're logged out.

This is an awesome & huge but necessary change to the gambling as it keeps the playing field level & fair for everyone once the accept button has been clicked. Good luck!


Some changes made to the infamous Graetoriax The Unbroken..


1. Take advantage of your best setup because Graetoriax The Unbroken no longer has a damage cap!


2. Although, Graetoriax HP has been increased by 10k HP for a total of 55k HP.


3. Familiars will no longer be attacked by Graetoriax, instead he will focus only on Players.


4. Graetoriax The Unbroken's defence bonuses have been raised approx 17%.


5. The fire rain special attack will now hit +30 more tiles than before.


6. All Graetorian armor is now tradable!


7. All Graetorian peices now have examines!


8. The Graetoriax drop rates adjusted - OR & SP kits are a bit more rare.


9. Graetoriax now drops Black Dragonhide every kill!


10. Graetoriax now drops Drasonic Visage!


11. Graetoriax now drops Dragon Kiteshield!


12. Graetoriax The Unbroken is now a Completionist Cape requirement with 100 kills!


INTRODUCING: The Dragon Warhammer now available!


And #13: The Dragon Warhammer now drops from Graetoriax The Unbroken!




This isn't a huge update in terms of many things being changed server-wide but rather focusing on the new Boss to make it more enjoyable & functioning at it's best.

If you experience any issues after this update please be sure to head over to the Report a Bug section and post it! Thank you very much for all your suggestions

and feedback on Graetoriax which is where a lot of these changes stemmed from. Thank you & enjoy!


Edited by Lation
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DWH was added to osrs so the game could have a SWH. Even the spec is the exact same.. Considering the drop rate of DWH from graetoriax is going to be rather high you could only assume the poor person who gets this drop will assume it'll be worth a lot of money being completely clueless to the similarity between the two weapons. This is why we dont add OSRS gear clones to 718. It already has 80% of the gear

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DWH was added to osrs so the game could have a SWH. Even the spec is the exact same.. Considering the drop rate of DWH from graetoriax is going to be rather high you could only assume the poor person who gets this drop will assume it'll be worth a lot of money being completely clueless to the similarity between the two weapons. This is why we dont add OSRS gear clones to 718. It already has 80% of the gear


Yeah figured why not tho, gives the option of choice/preference - I've had the DWH requested quite a bit so no harm in tossing it in. But I get what ya mean for sure, thanks for clearing it up

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