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Not Mike

Proposal to move where wings go

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Hello I would like to propose an idea to move either the wings or the sunnies equipment slot so that we may where them both? Maybe move one of them to the ammo slot 🙂 I just really want to where the ice shard wings with my outfit but I cannot as they both take up the same slot. I know this is not a big deal so I understand if this may take some time to get to. Thanks for any consideration ❤️

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A counter argument to this would be that other players might want to wear wings/sunnies while they're in combat using Ranged with ammo equipped... but hey they now can't because you're asking for these items to be moved to that ammo slot.

We can't change things based on your own personal preferences of fashionscape.

These items are best suited to the slots they're currently in. No support.

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19 minutes ago, Not Mike said:

neither of them bring any sort of combat stats so why would it matter if they can or cant wear them in combat? That's a garbage counter-argument.

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The whole point of the argument I made is that we can't change the way items are equipped just so they suit your INDIVIDUAL needs.

We'd have to do that for everyone whenever they asked for something to be changed into a different slot.

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14 minutes ago, Goddess said:


The whole point of the argument I made is that we can't change the way items are equipped just so they suit your INDIVIDUAL needs.

We'd have to do that for everyone whenever they asked for something to be changed into a different slot.

I mean he’s making a suggestion to get others votes and opinions on the issue, isn’t that what all suggestions are about? 


I can support this idea though these items are fashion items and won’t have any use at all while in combat, not even a valid argument.

I think you should be able to use glasses and wings at the same time, first they got moved from the helm slot because you couldn’t wear helms and glasses at the same time. Wings just never got thought about at the time.

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Allow me to rephrase the point I was trying to address in my original post.

16 hours ago, Not Mike said:

Hello I would like to propose an idea to move either the wings or the sunnies equipment slot so that we may where them both? Maybe move one of them to the ammo slot 🙂 I just really want to where the ice shard wings with my outfit but I cannot as they both take up the same slot.

So the above is the suggestion at hand. 

Let's say we move the wings to the cape slot - he then has to forfeit the cape from his outfit.
Let's say we move the sunnies to the helmet slot - he then has to forfeit the partyhat from his outfit.

This is why he suggests the ammo slot, as it would be a free slot and accommodate his outfit the best. 

Now, let's say we move one of them to the ammo slot - great he's now happy and can wear the wings and sunnies at the same time.

Hold up though... someone else was enjoying wearing the wings or sunnies for added fashionscape while they were in combat using ranged with ammo - now they can't wear them as they take up the ammo slot.

Then they make a thread asking why the wings/sunnies were changed to the ammo slot and we end up with a catch-22.

Do you see the point I'm making here? If we make this change, other players might then have to sacrifice a part of their outfit/style.


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16 minutes ago, Not Mike said:

Goddess what you are COMPLETELY missing is that they are not needed for combat at all. Its not going to actually effect anyone doing combat. I'm starting to feel like you may not like me too much

I haven't mentioned them being needed specifically for combat. I'm talking about if their equipment slot is changed it can have a knock-on effect. 

If you re-read my above post I clarify all this. You're making this suggestion to have the ability to wear the wings while you wear sunnies.

Since you're mentioning the ammo slot, I'm merely suggesting why/how making that change can have a knock-on effect to others as CURRENTLY sunnies OR wings can be worn while not sacrificing the ammo slot or any other combat related equipment slot - meaning some players might be wearing them because they look cool while they're doing combat.

Players do choose to wear cosmetics in all aspects of the game, so do you see why changing equipment slots can cause a hinderance.

In my opinion, the sunnies should be in the helmet slot and the wings should be in the cape slot to begin with. The reason they're in the Aura slot is so that can worn in all aspects of gameplay.

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This is what some people could currently like to use, they think it looks 'super cool' perhaps.



Picture 1 - Sunglasses equipped in the aura slot to look 'super cool' while wearing pernix and using the ammo slot.


Picture 2 - No ammo is able to be equipped because the sunnies are now equipped in the ammo slot. No more looking 'super cool' during combat.




Picture 1 - Wings equipped in the aura slot to look 'super cool' while wearing pernix and using the ammo slot.


Picture 2 - No ammo is able to be equipped because the wings are now equipped in the ammo slot. No more looking 'super cool' during combat.


DISCLAIMER - I removed the aura equipment slot only for simplicity, these pictures are merely to show the effect of moving wings or sunnies to the ammo slot.


The aura slot is the only neutral slot which does not effect another aspect of gameplay, hence why these items are assigned to that equipment slot. 

The only LOGICAL place to move them would be Wings to the CAPE slot and Sunnies to the HELMET slot. The reason they weren't put in those slots to begin with is so that they could be worn in ALL aspects of gameplay.

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You can easily keep the wings in the slot it’s meant to be in, like how the auras are.... the issue is to do with the sunnies, yes they go in the aura slot atm, but why wouldn’t you use the sharpshooter aura during combat anyways it’s ridiculous lmao


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I can get behind this. As a fashoonista it can be annoying having to pick and choose what u want to wear. I dont see any harm in putting em in the arrow slot more people use them to afk with then to go fighting(which i dont know why you would boss in them to risk loosing) you have me support

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